Dear Steepster Team.... Happy Holidays and Thank You.
Absolutely everything JustJames said. I just realized yesterday that there are no ads at all on Steepster. I couldn’t live without Steepster (my tea addiction probably could do without it though) so thank you everyone on the Steepster team!
Steepster has become such a comforting place to me, especially after moving away from the people and community I grew up in. Thanks to the Steepster and all the amazing people on Steepster, I’ve found a new community that reminds me of the amazing people in my old city :)
Thanks JustJames for making this thread. I wholeheartedly agree and much like Cavocorax I find myself spending nearly all my internet socializing time here these days. So many lovely people, and learning a lot about tea! It probably sounds melodramatic but it’s earnest—I’ve found teas through this place that make me glad to be alive. I think someone makes me chuckle nearly every day too, reading through logs in my feed. Thank you for all you do for us guys. Super grateful!
I am so glad I found you! I have learned so much about tea. Cheers to Steepster!
Steepster is the best :) Thank you Steepster and everyone on here. Happy Holidays!
Completely agree! :)
Thank you for creating and maintaining such a fun website!
Hugs from probably the oldest one here on Steepster! Grandma Bonnie loves you ALL! What other young group would be so kind to someone who speaks their mind and tells stories? You are awesomeness! Open invitation for tea!
Yay for storytellers! And a very special yay for the people who make it possible for us to tell our stories here. Not a day goes by that I don’t check my dashboard feed and the discussion boards at least 4 or 5 times. Thank you for making, maintaining, and constantly improving the space for such a wonderful community!
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