Dear Steepster Team.... Happy Holidays and Thank You.
Team Steepster! I found this place this year, and it is now my favorite place on the internet. Thank you for making this such a wonderful place for likeminded people to talk about their obsession. The people I’ve met here are lovely.
Thank you!
I’m relatively new to tea and started drinking it primarily to get over my soda pop habit. However, with the info I’ve found here, I’ve come to love tea for itself, not just as a substitute for anything else. I’ve been exposed to high quality teas, fun teas and a broad range of teas.
Thanks to the official team that provide this online home and to all the posters who make it so informative and fun.
I have to add my thanks as well. The entire Steepster community has changed the way I think about tea and enriched my life in the process.
I’m very grateful for this forum and its creators and users as well. During this past year, I’ve learned so much about tea, and my tastes have expanded greatly due to a such exposure to fantastic teas and companies.
Thanks for developing a place to share you’re passion and then opening it up to everyone as well!
I echo everyone’s sentiments above.
Thank you steepster genius tea loving creators for making such a great place for us all to convene. Thank you for putting up with all of us.
Thank you to all of the steepsterites out there for making my tea drinking experience so much better!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Joyful Sipping to everyone!
Very well said! Thank you Steepster peeps for everything you do to make such a great place! :)
Thank you steepster team for creating this site. I have learned so much about tea just from browsing this place, I’ve tried new teas, new vendors,new tea houses, and even tea swapped with people around the globe using this site. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Thank you Steepster Team for all the hard work in maintaining such a fantastic site – it is very much appreciated!! Best wishes to all of you!
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