david said

20%off your entire Steep City Tea purchase

We come bearing gifts! Enjoy our holiday sale. Type in 20HOLIDAYS after check out to get 20% off your entire Steep City Tea purchase. Its time for great tea!

Happy Holidays

6 Replies
VariaTEA said

It is not working for me. Perhaps that is a sign that I do not need more tea.

MissB said

Color me confused too, I’m not getting anywhere to put this after checkout.

EDIT: Okay, found where to put the code, but it’s just not working.

david said

Hey guys, the code is “20holidays” and it should be working. You input it at the end of the shopping process.

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david said

Hey guys, the code is “20holidays” and it should be working. You input it at the end of the shopping process.

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Sil select said

Hey David – Have you considered smaller sizes or sample packs? And possibly expanding to ship to canada?

Another vote to ship to Canada. My friends there need some of your sunny Florida teas!

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