Academia and Tea Catharsis:
I’m the biggest idiot ever. I restarted this paper at 10 am, so I have like 4 hours to pound out—17 pages. Which might be possible. Anyway, I had to do something, because the paper was a mess, but this is cutting it so close. And I still can’t keep my tea warm…
Luckily, the new structure and focus of the paper is much less of a mess, so I don’t really think I had much of a choice in the matter.
Good luck with it. Sometimes getting the structure right means that the text just flows. I hope that is how it is with you.
i’ve done that. i agree with Roughage. hell, i did it 3/4 of the way through a final. sometimes you go with the best worst case situation, lol.
I find that stoneware mugs keep their heat for a while. Also i hear metal ones work well.
I’m pulling for you with your paper.
My paper didn’t get finished. I just couldn’t. I have 3 pages to go. I emailed my professor who told me he won’t be in until Wednesday, so while I may get some points taken off, I have all of tomorrow to get the paper in to him without added penalty. The way I redefined the paper greatly improved it, so the points I get off for it being late are worth it.
Yeah, I have trouble with stoneware, as I have some problems with inflamation in my hands, and really heavy items really do a number on my ability to write and grip. However, I have been thinking of buying a cast iron pot and tea cup set for like 6 months. I think this experience has made it.. well… if I don’t get gifted on for Christmas—I dropped hints, I will be buying one ASAP.
I hope everything will work out for you in the end with the paper. That’s great that you have a little more time to finish it.
sometimes that’s the way it goes better. a better overall grade with a few ‘spank me’ marks taken off. but that’s way better coming off a 90 or a 95 than getting it in on time for a 78.
drink tea, think zen…. you’ll soar. you’re a steepster! we have faith =0)
I have a little plug-in cup/pot warmer. In pretty sure they make USB ones as well. It’s just a tiny, low-level heat pad for a mug. So useful, since I tend to make a giant mug to sip on.
Yeah, that’s how I feel about it. And one of the writers I am writing about has a philosophy that no matter the human sin, “all will be well.” It feels appropriate. The idea of a small cup warmer is pretty genius. I used to drink out of mugs, and still prefer them, but they get cold easily. Thanks!
It does suck though. I NEVER turn in late papers. I have severe ADHD, and I struggle with it every day, and the fact that I fight for every on-time deadline is a point of great pride for me. With that said, I do know I did right fixing this paper and that the fact I couldn’t write 20 pages in a day is not something to flagellate myself over. I’m going to be okay, and I will make up the work either through my paper’s quality or through the work I do for the rest of my time in graduate school.
I hope it all goes well, and better to get the paper right than turn in something on time that does not reflect your capabilities.
I sometimes use a plate-warmer that has a couple of tea-lights in it to keep my teapot warm. It works quite well and they can be bought quite cheaply too.
That’s exactly how I feel about it. I did find out that apparently the 20 pages was a soft page number limit, so I could have stopped at 15… which was depressing. But now I have time today to work through my final argument so it’ll end up being probably a page or two over twenty. Thanks for sticking with me guys.
okay, my semester is officially done. with an A+ in one class (final project of 91%) and a straight A in the other (final project 97%).
i’m done. i’m no longer going to stalk the website for marks…. i think i may go try my lishan, spring tea from tealet and play skyrim and get ready to it all over again starting in 2.5 weeks.
thank god.
w00t congratulations, James! Celebrate with tea and more tea, and other fun stuff. And tea.
I always know when my husband has had a bad day at work because he plays Skyrim almost as soon as he gets home. On a good/ok day he plays Eve and Guild Wars 2. :)
Hope your break is relaxing, and congrats on the excellent job in your classes!
lol, i play skyrim because my legs don’t work well and i can be supra-physiological in that game. i am quite happy to invest myself vicariously in a body that looks like it works from a distance.
1. Congrats on the A’s
2. SKYRIM BOTHER! I wish I had more time to play that game. What race did you pick?
Speaking of being done, I am too! Got my final grade from that monstrosity of a paper and I got an A+ on the paper and in the course, meaning that I have officially completed all my grad school coursework with a 4.0. Yay! Must be all that genmaicha, matcha, and chocolate mint tea keeping me focused and powered up.
As a side note, grades don’t mean anything anyway (they don’t reflect one’s intelligence, how one compares to others since there are plenty of factors involved which may affect one’s grades, etc), but it still feels great to be finished and feel validated, so-to-speak.
and from a brutal prof that admitted she was going after you ‘enthusiastically’. very, very nicely done!
Yay! Congrats! I finish my grad course work requirement this thursday with my final comprehensive! I can’t wait! I think I will treat myself to a nice pot of Pho afterwards!
aw! pho! haven’t had that in ages….. i use to love following that up with coconut milk tapioca pudding with baked bananas.
oops, sorry Sammerz314…. meant to say: glad your comprehensive light is coming through the end of the tunnel! lol!!
I got my paper turned in today. I’m praying I don’t get too many points off for the lateness. I’ll update everyone when I hear back.
Now, I have my poetry portfolio to put together… I don’t even know what kind of tea goes with poetry revisions. Guess I’ll experiment.
I think oolongs are best for poetry. From the artistic display of rolled ball leaves opening in the water to the flavors that remind me of nature and poetry :)
My current favorites
Dark Oolong: Shui Xian Da Hong Pao Oolong Tea from Yezi Tea
Green Oolong: Strawberry Oolong from Butiki
Hmm, I like the idea of that, but I’m a much more practical poetry person myself. Less about inspiration, and more about the logical process of construction. I settled on Chai. It’s hearty, although not necessarily practical.
I’ll look into your Oolong suggestions though. I love oolongs a lot.
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