tea exporters
Hello wonderful forum!
Really hioping someone can help me out with some information.
Imlooking at opening a tea retail store and am struggling to find an exporter thast has a wide range of teas availble for export to Australi… I guess im asking for some tips on how i might go about sourcing this information?
Would love some advice fromthose in the know!
Big thanks
I would get in touch with the folks at Metropolitan tea. I don’t think they serve Australia but they might know someone who does. Also, for something higher end Sloane tea might have a source, or rather, you could maybe work with them
Good luck!!
I’m not sure if either of these companies ship to Australia but two that I know of are Dethlefson and balk and Oxalis.eu. You might want to check out the attendees list for some of the trade shows and Vicony has lists of importers and exporters per country. Mariage Frères seems to be able to export to Australia as well as Australian sellers seem to come up a lot when I was looking for other sources.
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