New to tea and steepster

15 Replies
Bostonbull said

I absolutely have my homework cut out for me with all these suggestions!

My Gaiwan and samples of green and oolong arrived yesterday, early!

I brewed some nice Gyokuro this morning in my Gaiwan. I used 1g per Oz, which was a bit too intense. I think half that will be good in future with this type of tea. I didn’t mind the flavor, it didn’t knock my socks off, but wasn’t unpleasant either. I have read you get minimal steeps out of this tea, as in 1 or 2, I’ll try for one more later.

I have friends in Yunnan Province China, as well as Shanghai. if there is anything I should ask them for that is hard to find or cost prohibitive here, let me know.

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Ellyn select said

Welcome fellow Boston area steepsterite!

Local Places to buy tea that I love to visit:
-Davids Tea – (Has three locations two in Boston one in Newton)
-Cardullo’s market in Harvard Square
-Virtuous Teas in Newton

Hope this helps! I love going to the local teashop to smell/sample all different types of tea!

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