Help with teapot
I am shopping for a tea kettle and pot as I do not have one yet. I am interested in the cast iron versions. My question is, can I brew water in these and then steep and serve? Is it an all purpose pot, or do I also need a tea kettle to brew the water? Your help appreciated.
The tetsubin pots – the small ones in colors with designs on them specifically say to NOT use them to boil water, they are used just like a regular teapot, for brewing and serving. I think it is because they are enameled inside and maybe the two finishes would expand/contract differently, causing them to crack or brak? The regular ole American cast iron pots/kettles. are fine for boiling on the stove.
i wouldnt brew tea in your boiling vessel. just my 0.02.
electric variable temp kettles are pretty cheap.
then its your choice on what sort of teapot you want to brew in.
Marlena is right. For cast iron, if it has a shiny finish on the inside, it is for brewing only. If it is unfinished cast iron on the inside, you can use it for boiling water, and serving if you’d like, but make sure to dry it after use because the unfinished cast iron can rust.
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