Mine is going out tomorrow… Had some finishing touches to make :)
I got your package and I am blown away by your generosity and craftiness.
My phone and iPad both BUSTED so I cannot take a photo, but the cup you
Personalized for me with “CelebriTEA” is the BOMB!
Teas are lovely as little box, and gorgeous pear <3
Thank you, dear friend
It was fun seeing it all come together.. and I had fun personalizing the cup! So glad you like it.. Enjoy!
Unfortunately, my package won’t go out until today. The snow and my pending final paper really threw me for a loop. However, I packaged and addressed the envelope yesterday, so everything should be in order.
I received a swap from Josie Jade! Thank you!! So many samples.
I received mine yesterday, THANK YOU! I’m excited to try everything, and the chocolates are my favorite! :)
I’m so glad! Lindt truffles are sooooooo good. And the Laoshan Village Chai is a favorite of mine.
Got my package from CelebriTEA last night. A nice Christmas card and several teas to try for me and my Hubby’s different tastes. We both look forward to sampling what you sent. Thanks so much. So fun to get stuff in the mail! :)
I got my parcel today! Thanks SO much! It smells so juicy and good, and the ornament is lovely. :)
Yay! I’m glad it made it there so quickly. Enjoy!!!
I received my box from OMGsrsly today. Thank you! You were very generous, and I loved the little note on the inside of the box. :)
Lol. I thought I’d try to get into the spirit. :)
I received my parcel from Kittylovestea today! Thank you! I love cats too, so I loved the card with the cute little cat! The ornament is nice, my son already put it in the Christmas tree. And of course I’m so excited to try the new teas!
I’m happy to hear that it arrived in time :) I received my parcel from you today. Thank you very much, such a wonderful selection of teas and a beautiful card.
Unfortunately, despite my best efforts, due to a horrid mixture of the snow, my pending final paper/ portfolio, and the fact that I’m moving, my package went out two days later than anticipated. (The post office closes really early, unfortunately, and it’s a bit of a trek to get to.) I hope my partner is not too disappointed, and I hope everything arrives alright. I haven’t sent out a swap package, so I’m kind of probably too anxious about my packaging.
You can only do your best Kat and I’m sure your swapping partner will understand if it gets delayed. fingers crossed that it arrives on time.
It’s supposed to arrive on Saturday, and I’m mostly hopefully. We’ll find out!
Haven’t seen anything from my swappable rather so hopefully it hasn’t gotten lost in transit. Luckily there is still time!
Sil I’m the one who had your name and your package got sent back to me so I’m sending it again today :\ I’m not sure why it got sent back… But I’m sorry D: I threw some extras in for you!
i was actually more worried because mine hasn’t made it to you. I’m far less worried about when yours will get to me heh.
Sil I got yours! I hope mine gets there soon D:
As a note, my package HAS been sent out! I’ve just been so swamped with finals and getting ready for a Christmas party, along with a couple snow storms. Sigh.
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