12 Days of Christmas Swap

181 Replies
CelebriTEA said

TeaTee, KatieK & Isaila,

Need adresses please…. :-)

TeaTee said

Just sent you my info

CelebriTEA said

Thank you :-) … Two to go…I think we are all getting excited for this one

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MissB said

Hey folks! We’re having some issues getting a hold of a few of the folks for this swap. It’s understandable, as it’s that time of year in the US. Having said that, we have to give out the names/address to everyone ASAP (hopefully this weekend) so that the teas can go out in time.

If anyone is willing to grab one of the days, please let us know in this thread, along with friending and messaging CelebriTEA, and letting her know your mailing address.


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CelebriTEA said

We need addresses and mail from Isaila & KatieK or someone else willing to step in.
No worries to participants…
If we do not get two more people Miss B and I will each take a second day.
This is going to be FUN!
Anyone “IN”?

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CelebriTEA said

Let’s settle this up by Sunday 1200 EST.
We need two more people for this to be as complete as possible.
However, if we do not get those, Miss B and I will pick up the slack.
Let’s have a great holiday season folks.

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MissB said

Looks like CelebriTEA and I will take up the slack for days 11 and 12. If anyone wants to come to this late – just PM one of us. CelebriTEA will have everyone’s addresses shared around shortly. :)

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CelebriTEA said

Miss B do you mind if I take 11 Pipers Piping and you take 12 Drummers Drumming?
If you want to switch please let me know…
We will make sure everyone enjoys this swap :-)
If anyone wants to do day 11 or 12 please contact Miss B or myself by noon tomorrow EST
Thank you

MissB said

Yep, I’m cool with that.

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Katiek said

Sorry, I didn’t think I was signing up, so I wasn’t checking this thread regularly. But I dont’ want to make CelebriTea do 2 days, so I’m happy to participate.

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CelebriTEA said

KatieK…if you want to be a part of this I need your address ASAP PLEASE

Katiek said

Just sent you a message. :)

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Isaila said

So Sorry! I was away for Thanksgiving, without internet, so i got none of these messages. Is there still a spot available? CelebriTEA I’m sending you my address in case there is.

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CelebriTEA said

KatieK & Isaila~ I am thrilled you are both back in the “game”

I am hoping 12 Days of Christmas Swap will be unforgettably fun for us all !
Thank you ALL for making this a reality.
Special Thank You to Miss B for all her help and encouragement.

Thank you, Josie Jade, for starting this all ♡

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