Is there still that one spot left? I would love to find an appropriate tea for the 12 leaping lords.
12 is drummers drumming…did you request Lords a leaping?
Whooops. Totally forgot the words to the song… Drummers drumming is even better!
We are filled and I am so excited about this tea swap!!
So much FUN!
If anyone has made requests for a certain day, PLEASE,
Let me know, and follow me so we can chat.
I will follow each of you as well :-)
I’d like to keep claim on my day, just to note! Already know the tea for it.
Nine Ladies Dancing?
Now, I am intrigued…..
I’m glad to hear this is still a go! Has it been decided that we will follow the 12 days of Christmas end of Dec/early Jan? I like that since it gives us more time to get everything together and time to mail out.
I’m perfectly ok with having days randomly assigned, but if people want to claim specific days I’ll take whatever is left. It will be a challenge!
Twelve Days of Christmas was counted from December 25th until January 6?
Is this what everyone wants?
It does give us a bit more planning time, and it draws Christmas out making it last longer. :-)
Sounds good to me! (PS. I’m following you now – can you follow back so I can PM you?)
12 Days of Christmas Swap
All 12 Spots Filled!
(correct me if I’m wrong):
1. Ellyn~Partridge in a Pear Tree
2. TeaTiff~Two Turtle Doves
(Most lovely)
3. CelebriTEA~
Three French Hens
4. Moraiwe~Four Colly Birds
(Common blackbird)
5. Momo~Five Gold Rings
6. Miss B~Six Geese a laying
7. TeaTee~
Seven swans a swimming
8. Roswell Strange~Eight maids a milking
9. Khaleesical~
Nine ladies dancing
10. Kelci~~ Ten Lords a leaping
11. CelebriTEA
Eleven Pipers piping
12. KatieK~
Twelve Drummers Drumming
Please let me know if you got the updated list.
If anyone is missing an address, please let me know
YAY the blackbird got blackbirds! You’re awesome!
Looking forward to seeing the tea s you guys come up with…since I was part of last years get together. Have fun! :)
So, perhaps a bit late as I’m told some folks have already picked out their teas. Having said that, there are a few (quite severe) allergies in this group. To my understanding, we have to avoid teas with the following ingredients where possible: mushrooms, rice, strawberries and sugar.
The list of dislikes/preferences is even more limiting (no chocolate, whites, oolongs, red rooibos, lapsang souchong, and greens). If you want to follow the second list – it’s just people’s preferences – it’s probably best if you stuck with straight or flavored blacks, herbals, green rooibos and/or fruit teas. Up to you on the second list though.
Did we miss any allergies?
Thanks Miss B!
I have been mulling over teas all day…perhaps may have one…lol…
It is kind of tough finding a legit French tea that can be ordered from the US
Especially in the quantity I would like…this ought to be interesting.
I actually think the craziness of the limitations will make it more fun for me…
Like some weird treasure hunt…
I actually found a poem/rhyme online about my day, because honestly? I was at a loss as to how I’d do this otherwise. Now, I’m excited — REALLY excited — because I found something fun to incorporate. I hope everyone else does, too!
I love the way you think, Miss B!
I have been thinking on similar lines and plan to
incorporate a very small gift to each person to match the day.
Also, I thought about a print out on my tea or my part of the
song or something, but haven’t got it quite figured out just yet… :-)
A HUGE Thank You to “yyz” & all others for the suggestions for French Tea
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