Marijuana Flavored Tea?

25 Replies

I am baffled by the hot dog flavored matcha o_O !!

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Jillian said

Is that even legal in the States?

Hot dog flavored matcha? Technically, yes, but anyone who makes it should be imprisoned in a psychiatric hospital.

Or did you mean marijuana? =) It’s legal in a few states now under certain conditions. It’s a bit perplexing. Federal law still says it is illegal, but some of the states have passed laws saying it is legal. I think it will eventually be legal, but maybe not in my lifetime. Personally, I’ve tried it, but I didn’t inhale. =)

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rachel said

That sounds strange. I agree that it is probably due to the growing marijuana acceptance and advocacy more than the taste itself… I’m sure it is just a flavour and doesn’t have any drug-related properties.

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sansnipple said

If it doesn’t contain any actual cannabis then I wonder what the flavoring’s made of that makes it taste like it.

That’s the magic of flavor science.

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Izzie said

You might be able to fake a similar flavor with a mild main tea (rooibos can be smokey) and some lapsang souchong and other herbs blended in. Something mildly skunky but not overwhelming.

That’s the best I could think of. I haven’t smoked in a few years so I can’t really recall much of a flavor profile that I could mimic.

Seems challenging.

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I cut open tea bags and add 1 teaspoon of shake with stems I also add dry cherries & 2 sugar cubes. You receive the cannabidoil from the plant so you don’t get quite the psychoactive high its more of a relaxing mellow feeling which is good for my back pain. You have to let it steep for about 1\2 hour to an hour. The taste is really good. You can also drink it and still function while you are working or doing your normal routines.

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Pyroxy select said

Not going to lie…I’d buy the tea just to see how it’d taste.

I’ve noticed that things like pot brownies have a flavour that I think really goes well with the chocolate (but I also like green teas, so that grassy/herbal thing tastes nice to me).

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