Looking for tea brand called Waszouski (sp?)
I found Waszouski Tea at TJ Maxx of all places and it was the best Earl Grey Tea I’ve ever had. I thought I could find it online but there are no Google results for this brand of tea. Has anyone heard of it? I could be spelling the name wrong.
I think your looking for Wissotzky Tea. It’s sometimes available in stores where are you? Someone might be able to help you find it locally. If not here’s a site that sells it. (I haven’t bought it before, but I have heard nice things about their teas).
…for a second there I thought that Mike Wazowsky from Monsters Inc had a line of tea!
If you can get your hands on Wissotzky tea in their Magic Tea Boxes made of wood (balsa?), it’s wonderful for presenting a selection of teas to guests. And we do agree that their Earl Grey tea is terrific!
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