My Teavana experience !
I just thought you guys should know what my experience has been like with my latest Teavana order (placed Jan 3rd). I’m not satisfied AT ALL.
I ordered 4 teas, and the 12 Days of Christmas set on Jan 3rd during their Heavenly sale
They sent me an email saying there was a backorder, and on the 14th two of the teas shipped. I’ve heard NOTHING about the others, and when I look up my order online, it doesn’t list the 12 Days of Christmas set AT ALL. And the teas it lists have the same item number but different name than what I ordered.
I emailed them on the 23rd to ask what happened to the “12 Days of Christmas”. Will I still get it? They reply:“Thank you for contacting Teavana, I checked the status of your order and it shows some of your order was placed on back order but the items that wasn’t on back order was already shipped. As soon as your back order items become available they will automatically ship.”
Support didn’t answer my question, so I asked again, specifically about the 12 Days of Christmas on the 24th. Haven’t heard anything at all. Last night I emailed them again. Today I got an email from Teavana (not support) saying that the 1 item was still backordered. It doesn’t say anything about the other tea listed in my order, and I still haven’t heard ANYTHING about the 12 Days of Christmas.This is ridiculous. I believe that communication is one of the #1 priorities you need when dealing with customers. Tell me what’s going on, and give me realistic expectations. Don’t just ignore me and misinform me. Will I ever get the 12 Days? How long does it normally take for a backorder to get replenished?
I’m really upset about the 12 Days because I haven’t had a lot of Teavana teas before and getting 12 1 oz teas for $~18 was just amazing. It was going to be a great introduction to what Teavana has to offer. I can understand if maybe this item was oversold or something like that and they couldn’t fulfill it, but they NEED to communicate with me.
So I think I might just open up another support ticket to cancel a) my order, and b) cancel my account because I am not at all satisfied with how they have handled this. I basically got a form answer from the support person. Nothing personalized, and no follow up to see if I was satisfied. And I had to wait 3 days for the first reply. Why I am waiting over a week for the 2nd? I was very professional and patient with my request. I’m not now.
It’s only $20 worth of product they owe me (but worth more because I bought everything at 75% off) but that $20 should go to a company that deserves it like Verdant, Butiki or RiverTea.
Anyway… watch out, you guys.
It’s completely inexcusable that they continue to ignore your 12 Days of Christmas tea set issue. What a bad customer service…
Perhaps I got the last “12 Days” coffret at radical reduction, Cavocorax. Sorry! You are right that it’s the best way to taste a bunch of teas which I would never have purchased otherwise (and will not again).
Their not telling you what’s going on is just good old-fashioned shoddy customer service. I’m surprised, because Starbucks has excellent customer service.
Hopefully Teavana’s will improve as they perform successive managerial reorgs, but it’s probably too late to kiss and make up with you! ;-)
Having your order messed up when you are getting a great deal is so upsetting! It’s not like you want your money back, what you really want is some more/different product at 75% off. I know how you must feel. I hate losing a good deal and 75% off is a great deal. Sorry :(
And it was in my cart when I checked out.
If they can’t do it, at least just say, ‘Whoops, we’re oversold on everything and we’ll (eventually) send you the tea you wanted, but we can’t do the 12 Days of Christmas.’ I would have been unhappy about that, but not nearly as unhappy as I am in limbo, wondering what’s up.
I just received my reply from Teavana about the 12 Days of Christmas teas:
“Thank you for contacting Teavana, That item is discontinued and was never charged to you. I do apologize about any inconvenience this may have caused, have a wonderful day.”
Am I satisfied with that? No. I shouldn’t have to push to be told that an item I ordered and expected to arrive any time now is never coming. They should have emailed me when they realized it wasn’t going to ship. That’s pretty inexcusable, especially for a company as large as theirs. If this was a one-man shop that was swamped with orders from a big sale I’d be more tolerant.
Sure it’s discontinued now after the sale was over and they sold their remaining stock. But I bet when you placed the order it wasn’t yet discontinued. At least you didn’t get charged for it and never got it either.
Yeesh. Makes me glad I never put in the order that I was considering.
Wow, I’m never buying from that company again. I haven’t bought from them in years, but this cinches it. That was deplorable! So sorry that happened to you!
I’m happier knowing that other people might think twice before ordering now because of this. :)
Sorry that this had to happen, Cavocorax. But listen to this. Something very similar happened to me with DavidsTea boxing day sale. I don’t buy tea very often from them, but I love their teaware. I ordered a giant perfect mug at 40% off among other items.
A few days later, I got an email from customer service. They were notifying me of this, and I quote «we are sorry to let you know that we have oversold the item you have purchased. Therefore, your credit card will not be charged for this item». At least, they notified me fairly quickly of what was going on.
But I thought it was an odd situation, and I was really disapointed cause there was no other style of the giant mug available on their website, everything had sold out.
I asked how such thing could happen, and the customer rep. just admitted it was an error on their part. No bullshit. She offered to choose any other mugs at regular price, and she applied 40% off + free shipping!!! I chose the large Nordic mug that ended up being prettier than the Giant mug!!
Excuse me, but…WOW! And DavidsTea is not a liitle corner shop anymore, they’re getting big! But they still manage to think client wise.
I think Teavana has a lot to learn on how to fix stuff. Just saying. You should definitely get some type of compensation for all this trouble you went through…
Wow. That’s a great example of what Teavana SHOULD have done! I’m happy to hear that DAVIDsTEA has their stuff together. I had a mug that was defective, and DT replaced it (sight unseen) with no questions asked. I couldn’t have been happier.
With Teavana, had they communicated I would have just shrugged it off and cancelled my order. No big deal. But I might push a little bit so they get the point. Maybe they’ll adapt so the next person doesn’t get the same treatment? I can only hope.
@Cavocorax, sorry to hear about your bad experience. although be thankful you’re not me! this company is selfish, dishonest & not customer-oriented. @TheTeaFairy, DavidsTea sounds really nice! have seriously been considering making a purchase from them for some time now.
Well, whatever you choose to do, good luck Cavo!
Pyarkaaloo, 4 years ago, that’s all I drank but I kind of fell out of love with DT since then. Nothing wrong with the tea, just some personal preferences :-) As I’ve mentioned though, I do buy teaware on regular basis, excellent quality and decent price. I do encourage people to buy from them cause I do admire the fact that they never compromise the quality of their service, you can actually visit a store without being assaulted, or forced to buy a $200 tetsubin, haha!
@teafairy, thanks for the heads up about DT! also, you totally described Teavana in a nutshell! haha. they direct you straight to the $200 tetsubin (as that’s their moneymaker) and thereon proceed to make you build a set that can end up being upwards of $500! this happened to me, and it wasn’t pretty.. not to mention i felt so uncomfortable and compelled to go along with the pushy sales associate. i didn’t visit a Teavana for an entire year after that..
DavidsTea has been REALLY awesome to me. My nordic mug shattered (and I use the glass gongfu and porcelain teacups almost every day, so I’m pretty sure it wasn’t me!) and they replaced it with no problems. Well. “Replaced” = gave me store credit, but I’m happy with that. Waiting for my perfect mug to show up!
Wow, that’s really great OMGsrsly!
The only thing that annoys me a little is the fact that they sell out of too many items in between teaware collections. Like right now, for instance, there’s almost nothing left on their website…I know the spring collection is coming out soon, but it’s a little annoying when you don’t want to wait! ( you know how impatient us tea people are!)
If I remember correctly, they had trouble after Christmas last year. Not that it excuses them of course. I’m personally still a Teavana fan for various reasons, but it’s times like these that I really ask myself WHY?
When In London I hang out at Fortnum & Mason, and Tea at the Dorchester Hotel, which is better than The Ritz, or The Savoy. I always send home Fortnum teas, as well as D.J Miles. I even check out Whittard’s of Chelsea. I recently was send a Jubilee Tin, and it had Ahmad tea in it, and I was sadly disappointed. At Home I drink a lot of Dilmah Teas, Wonderful Tea.
oh, Teavana. they should rename the franchise ‘Tetsubin’ (more on that later).. since i’ve been treated poorly by this company and fleeced out of money, as both a customer AND an employee (for a very brief time before i ended up quitting), i can attest to this:
you’re not imagining that they have an aggressive sales policy. it is outlined very clearly in their 214-page textbook manual…over several chapters, and obnoxiously reinforced by your superiors.
i wasn’t comfortable with the idea from the beginning, so i chose to concentrate on the teas themselves & memorize flavor notes, etc. i planned to be a friendly seller of course and familiarize myself with merchandise, but did not want to go over-the-top & force cast iron (Tetsubin) teapots on people. isn’t the priority, after all, the customer? shouldn’t the customer decide what they want to buy?
there are sneaky techniques they use like upselling & top-down selling, which to me seem like desperately obvious attempts to take your money. i haven’t worked in retail a lot, so this could very well be par for the course. although let’s face it, people aren’t stupid. i cringed each time i saw other sales associates pounce like pumas on top of people & quite literally refused to do it. LOL!! (well, i used my own style of ‘friendly persistence’, but they weren’t having it.) as a result, i was called into the back over several occasions & reprimanded by our very bombastic/reprehensible team leader with threats that my hours would be cut if i didn’t start meeting their sales quota. promptly after that, my hours were whittled down to 4 a week. seriously?
oh, and i do believe there has been a price hike on black dragon pearls. they’re $15.98 for 2 oz. now so they’re right up there with David’s! i’m a dragon pearl fan…thinking of buying some from David’s just to spite them…ha ha!
actually David’s has an amazing selection i’m dying to try, so better to put my money elsewhere!
not that i begrudge anyone who likes Teavana as i used to love it, and still feel they have some very nice teas. plus their marketing/advertising is quite clever, well done.. it could actually be a much more attractive establishment if they actually focused more on the tea experience itself, sampling (and NOT as per their aggressive sales model), tasting, smelling, sipping, enjoying, relaxing, and soaking in atmosphere.
instead you’re unceremoniously whisked into the store, and before you know it, you’re being forced to build a tea set before you can say “get me outta here!!”
it’s a very anxiety-provoking, unsettling experience. can i please walk around the store and BREATHE SOME AIR before you hop onto my back like a koala with suction cups?? you have over 100 flavors, there’s some serious sniffing i’d like to do first, before i’ll even think of teaware!! i’ll give them this: their glass pots are very cute, like the ‘Claire’ and ‘Musée de Thé’, although this company is hardly deserving of my praise. in my opinion, their objective is thinly veiled, which both totally undermines their product & insults the customer. oh well, i suppose conglomerates don’t care.
yes, me too! they’re so concerned with making money, they don’t even care for you as an employee unless you meet a $1000/week sales goal, or are selling cast iron teapots every hour.. i think i just happened to work at a very competitive store, so maybe not everyone has had such a horrible experience. for what it’s worth, the manager who hired me did at least issue the disclaimer that their bottom line is sales. so, mudslide brownie points for transparency. cough
I would be lying if I didnt say I stop in the teavana close to me every time I am in the mall to drink the samples amd leave without buying, just because I think their ‘selling’ tactics suck. I will say this though, the starbucks I frequent could teqch them things. Free flavor shots, they know me by name, ask about work because they know I work at a hellish big box store across the street. Its such a friendly environment. I hope that attitude gets over to teavana and it doesnt just end up becoming the snotty little sister company.
I’m not entirely sure if i’m right here, but I went to World Market and they sell Cast Iron Teapots for around $20… am I missing something here?
The Teavana pots are enameled inside, and made in Japan. The World Market pots are painted inside, and made in China.
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