I’ve been resisting this only because I recently put in an order with you for more Candy Corn and I’ve been trying to save for my black Friday purchases. And international shipping is expensive. But I adore you and your company too much Frank not to at least do the $10 contribution at this point, I’m so happy for you and this success. I cave.
Thanks! I appreciate the support.
$1000 more and we can choose a new flavor!
I really like some of the new flavor ideas people have suggested. Lychee Blueberry and Sugar Cookie sounds particularly delicious.
I really enjoyed the last update you sent out about your process of putting together the tea bags. I always enjoy seeing/reading about that stuff. (Its not as complicated as I thought it would be, but lots of work). http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2045829949/southern-boy-teas-iced-teas/posts
I think it may be too late now to see Frank’s jig unless there is an extremely generous benefactor but with under $400 we get to choose a new flavor.
That seems doable in 2 hours. Ice tea is a good “gateway drug” to get your friends and family into tea so it’s the perfect gift.
Well we didn’t quite make it to the next goal but I think it was a fine run overall.
Frank is there a way to tell you if we want to be low priority shipping? I know some people need/want their tea for christmas but I don’t mind waiting if that makes it easier on you. I certainly have enough tea to last me for some time so an extra month won’t hurt me!
I can certainly wait for mine, too. I have something like 15 SBT pouches and probably won’t even think of brewing them until May. I probably don’t even have a big enough container :P
I just got an email asking me to pick the teas I wanted for contributing to the kickstarter. If you contributed, check your email :)
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