single serving yixing pot for aged sheng
looking for recommendations on a pot to brew 2-3 grams of leaf. Ideally 85ml, max 110ml.
max price including shipping $75.
fast pour, which clay that wont decrease the aroma of the tea.
the closest one I found so far is:
Try this link. Good seller fast shipping.
Looking for max 110 ml, preferably 85, which they don’t have.
browsing around, it turns out they do have this unique item, which according to the description is picked in jungle and has rich taste…
Have you purchased a yixing from royal tea? The price looks awful cheap. I’m curious as to whether it is a good deal.
I got the one from the link above. I recommend them only because of fantastic service. Never had any issues with them. I got the small yixing just for the aged sheng I have. If you check the store feedback for my user name (jrs416cars) you can see where I have purchased from them. Here is their personal email if you wish to talk to them. [email protected]. Tell them John sent you and you will have no issues.
I am using this 180 cc pot for aged sheng:
I typically brew 5 grams and fill it with 100ml or so.
the por could be faster, especially if it clogs when brewing mostly broken leaf material.
Hojo has a lot of japanese made claypots.
For sheng I prefer Oxidationbaked red clay, if its from yixing or anywhere else doesn´t really matter. :)
Oh, yes I remeber this site. They make an auritative and trustworthy impression. Though its very diffuclt to find prices/how to order here. I think I manage dot download a pricelist pdf once.
Ah, yes. You order by sending an E-mail to mr. Hojo.
He is very good to deal with, send him an email and he will give you good advice.
Asked him for advice many times and iv´e never been dissapointed.
we are yixing natives,this is our website for yixingteapot on-line shipping with super quality and competitive price,click here to see Christmas discount,
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