Has anyone noticed the new Steepster select tab?

60 Replies
Dexter said

Hmmm I didn’t get a confirmation email… :((

Lala said

I got an email from Steepster, sent to the email I used to sign up with. Subject was Thanks! Want a FREE YEAR of tea? Maybe check your junk mail?

TeaLady441 said

I didn’t get mine either. Maybe Outlook ate it? I won’t panic until the morning. :P

TeaLady441 said

Oh – my email showed up! :)
(Along with all the other Steepster emails between last night and now)

Dexter said

Nope, no email – I haven’t gotten any Steepster email in a couple of days now. I should be getting emails for replies to this topic but nothing…. hmmmm :((

Lala said

I just got a bunch of emails from steepster over lunch. They were all notifications from yesterday. So I think the system is just not working properly…again.

Jason select said

Yea, our mail server got backed up so there were a number of emails queued up.

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I signed up as interested, but would need to know the quality before joining for any extended time. I currently subscribe to the Verdant monthly which I LOVE. More than one monthly is a bit much for me.

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keychange said

I didn’t get a confirmation email either, and I signed up last night.

Jason select said

Should have gone out yesterday afternoon. Did you ever get it?

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cteresa said

I now got an email about it (and no I did not sign. This feels a bit spammy, not sure how I feel about it). I am feeling perverse, nope. Tell me what it is about and the conditions and I will decide if I am interested. If it´s totally awesome and i totally lose my chance, will suck for me, will take that risk.

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keychange said

Oh, got my confirmation email. Hopefully those of you who signed up last night and haven’t heard will get one shortly. I’m still hoping us maples can participate.

TeaLady441 said

Are you using Outlook as your email provider? I’m just curious if maybe that’s why we didn’t get our emails until now. :P

And I hope they give us more info soon! #teases
Maybe they’re trying to gauge interest, and then come up with pricing/tea quantities based on that?

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keychange said

No, I just check my email on gmail’s website…so no idea why we got our emails the nextday LOL.

Jason select said

That was our bad. An error caused our mailserver to backup. Had a bunch of emails queued.

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I signed up yesterday! I’m looking forward to more info when it becomes available. ;)

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Jason select said

Confirmation emails should have gone out a few hours ago. The mail service got backed up but we cleared it out at about 1pm EST. If you still aren’t seeing it, maybe check your spam filter. If it’s not there either, let us know. Thanks for jumping on the waitlist!

This has been my phrase-of-the-week, but I am so excited! I just joined Steepster last week, and I love it! Just wanted to share that. ;)

Jason select said

Awww shucks :)

Dexter said

It’s not in junk, steepster is allowed, I haven’t gotten any notification emails from steepster in 2 days. :((

Jason select said

Really, still none?

Dexter said

Nothing, I’m not getting any emails from steepster. People starting to follow me, new posts to threads I’m following, nothing. I was getting them up until a few days ago – now nothing. I haven’t changed any setting. Strange.

Jason select said

Have to look into that one too…

Dr Jim said

I haven’t received the email 36 hours after signup. Not in spam folder either.

Jason select said

Can you guys who haven’t received the confirmation email yet shoot me a note (jason at steepster.com) with your email address so I can check it against our system and see if you’re in there?

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keychange said

Jason, can Canadians play?

Jen M said

Fingers crossed we can! I signed up to reserve my spot. Chances are even if Canadians could play it might be too expensive for me. We’ll see!

Jason select said

Unfortunately, it will be US only but we are working to add non-US soon. However, the contest is open to everyone, so at least you might be able to get some free tea as a consolation.

Trust me, we want everyone to play. It’s just a matter of time…

Jen M said

Poopcakes :(

I always live in the wrong country…

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sandra said

I feel left out.
Why not include Europe and/or Asia since this is a global communcity?!

Jason select said

We’d really love to. Unfortunately, there are many complexities to shipping internationally, especially when it’s a food item. Plus, there’s the obvious issue of higher shipping prices. When you’re planning things on this kind of scale, those are hard challenges to deal with, so it’s something we’re going to have to keep working on. But we recognize this is a global community and want to have shipping outside the US as soon as we can.

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