+ ROUND TWO USA 'Here's Hoping' teabox - SIGNUPS now CLOSED for round two! USA only
Okay! Box is going out today. :) Here’s what happened while I had it:
You can pretty much check my feed for this saga. There were quite a few. The one’s I didn’t review, though:
Yu Lu Yan cha (Verdant)
Coconut Creme Pie (Butiki)
Slim Lotus Tea (In Nature)
Quangzhou Milk Oolong (DavidsTea)
Sakura Allure (Teavana)
Triple Cup Green (Mark T. Wendell)
Terry’s Tea (Bluebird Tea Co.)
Butter Truffle (ESP Emporium)
Campfire Blend (Verdant)
Mayan Chocolate Chai (52 Teas)
Peach HoppiTea (Butiki)
Sweet Temptation (Tsaa)
There are quite a few things in the box with only 1 (maybe 2) more servings, so I tried to add enough variety to account for some of those disappearing within the next couple people, but amounts enough to keep going past that. I added about 6oz total.
Da Hong Pao (Big Red Robe) Wuyi Rock Oolong Tea (Teavivre)
Taiwan Jin Xuan Milk Oolong (Teavivre)
Orchid Oolong (Mighty Leaf)
Elderberry Tea (Culinary Teas)
Darjeeling Song (sTeap Shoppe)
Fruity Puerh (Tea Grotto)
White Melon Yogurt (California Tea House)
Strawberries & Cream (Della Terra)
S’mores Genmaicha (52 Teas)
White Pear (Adagio)
Cinnamon Chocolate Brownie (Simpson & Vail)
Tea Clinic: Immunity (ATTIC)
Cinnamon Fig (Art of Tea)
Rose Mojito (Persimmon Tree Tea)
Caramel Apple Explosion (Blue Raven)
Yerba Mate (Adagio)
Nutty Love (Steep City)
Green Passion (Cameron’s)
Black Currant (Cameron’s)
Ben Shan (Chicago Tea Garden)
Creamy Caramel (Tealish)
Ceylon Star (DavidsTea)
And also some teabags to replace the teabags I removed:
Sweet Mexican Chili (Yogi)
Spiced Apple Chai (Twinings)
Vanilla Caramel (Bigelow)
Egyptian Licorice (Yogi)
Noni (Lucky Shing)
Orange Jasmine (Vykasa)
Mango White (Tea Nation)
Golden Chai (Numi)
I’ll get tracking numbers out to everyone in question after I get to the post office! Thanks!
I love that you start with the teas you DIDN’T review. :D I loved reading your notes for them! Another lovely list of teas you added!
The box came in today!
Here are some photos from when I opened the box.
Opening the box http://instagram.com/p/iCX45OJwjM/
Notecard http://instagram.com/p/iCYNtOJwjv/
All spread out http://instagram.com/p/iCZeVmpwln/
I plan on sampling roughly half of the teas in the box. I was surprised by how many of the teas I’ve already had before. That means I should be able to have the box back out by Monday unless we get a lot of snow this weekend.
Aw, I’m sorry you had already tried so many of the teas. Hopefully you like the others that you try!
I’m not really worried about it, i’ll still get to sample over 35 new teas and hopefully find a few favorites. Either way, I love getting travelling tea boxes, it’s so much fun trying things I wouldn’t normally order for myself.
I didn’t make it to the post office yesterday, in the last 3 days we’ve had nearly 20 inches of snow so I decided not to brave the subzero temperatures and stay inside where it’s warm. I’ll likely drop the box in them mail Thursday or Friday, as long as the weather isn’t terrible. It seems like every other note I was finishing off a tea so I decided to put in large amounts (1oz or more) of a varity of teas and a few small samples. This way what I added should continue on for awhile. I think I added about 9 ounces total. I’m not quite done sampling what I wanted to so I’ll update the list if I finish anything else off.
Adagio – Summer Rose
Culinary Teas – Sugar Plum Cinnamon Spice
Della Terra – Key Lime Pie
Rishi – Lavender Earl Grey
serendipiTEA – Monk’s Mead (herbal)
Simple Loose Leaf – African Rose Herbal
Tavalon – Summer Fruits
Teavana – Youthberry Wild Orange Blossom
Utopia – Roasted Almond Cookie, Toffee Chocolate Hazelnut, and Chammomile Vanilla Bean
Verdant – 8 Treasures Yabao
Bigote Ecuador – Peach Oolong
NMTeaCo – Ontario Icewine
Premium Steap – Mexican Spice
Terry’s Tea – Bluebird Tea Co.
Della Terra – Apple Cinnamon Yogurt and Cinnamon Crackle
Georgia Tea Co – Earl Grey Cream
Harney – Rose Scented
Shang Tea – Jasmine White Tea Classic
Verdant – Campfire Blend, Master Han’s Wild Picked Yunnan Black and Master Han’s Forest Grove
Blue Raven – Caramel Apple Explosion
Dammann Freres – Coquelicot Gourmand
thepuritea – Jasmine Golden Yunnan and Milk Oolong
Persimmon Tree – Rose Mojito
steap Shoppe – Darjeeling Song
Zen Tea – EG Cream
Lupicia Afternoon Tea, 1 bag
Steven Smith Lord Bergaot, 2 bags
That is significantly more snow then we got! Also I am very excited about the Eight Treasures Yabao.
My husband just got back from church and said that it was snowing again, I think we’re due for up to 8 inches overnight. I hope you enjoy the Eight Treasures Yabao, I ended up being allergic to it.
I might be a bit jealous of all the snow, it is one of the things I really miss about living farther north. I am sorry you are allergic, that is tragic!
I need to read all of your tasting notes for the box! I’m going to do that now…
The box is on its way to Amanda and should arrive on Monday. I do have a few more tasting notes to post, so hopefully I’ll get those up over the weekend.
The teabox has arrived! I am about to open it up but wanted to make sure I posted here first. I plan on getting some photos too :)
I probably won’t have the box for too terribly long.
So I am more or less finished, behold the power of little sample sized baggies! Also since I cannot drink any tea right now (stupid ulcer, but it is getting better) I figured I can move this along quickly. For a nice summary of the unboxing and a sneak preview of what I added, with photos!
http://ramblingbutterflythoughts.blogspot.com/2013/12/heres-hoping-traveling-tea-box-unboxing.html I blogged about it :)
The official stats are:
3 friends Butiki
Fruity Pu Erh Coconut Tea Grotto
Oolong London Tea Room
Coconut Cream Pie Butiki
Boo Berry Cotton Candy 52 Teas
Makaibari Darjeeling Della Terra
Manitou Mist Whispering Pines
Orchid Oolong Mighty Leaf
Charlotte au Chocolat Damman Freres
Milk Oolong DAVIDsTEA
Lychee Lupica
Monkey Chops Bluebird Tea Co
Smores Chai 52Teas
Strawberry Vanilla Tin Roof Tea
Lost Malawi Rare Tea Co
Mango The Extra Ingredient
8 Treasures Yabao Verdant Tea
Matcha Wild Rice Lupica
Paw Gep’s Dream Tea Chery’s Herbs
Pumpkin Pie Della Terra
Graveyard Mist 52Teas
Chocolate Bannana Persimmon Tree
Berries and Cream Persimmon Tree
Passion Fruit Jasmine Persimmon Tree
Ruby Orange Persimmon Tree
Da Hong Pao Teavivre
Almond Cookie Utopia Tea
Ceylon Star DAVIDsTEA
Smores Genmaicha 52Tea
Added (I barely got it all to fit!)
Jin Jun Mei Red Leaf Tea Sampler
Summer Sencha Citrus Yunomi.us
Luo An Gui Pan Teavivre
Cardamon Black Tea Ahmad Tea
Minecraft Creeper Tea Adagio (and me)
Silver Needle Jasmine Rishi Tea
Malted Cocoa Mate 52Teas
Strawberry Zabaglione 52Teas
Maple Bacon 52Teas
Coconut Cheesecake Honeybush 52Teas
Caramel Apple Oolong 52Teas
Fruit Fusion Persimmon Tree
English Breakfast Persimmon Tree
Lotus Persimmon Tree
Perriwinkle Persimmon Tree
Kenyan Black Justea
Apple Adagio
Pu Erh Tahiti Adagio
Green Cherry Adagio
Earl Grey Moonlight Adagio
Yunnan FOP SIngle Origin Tea
Imperial Formosa Oolong Golden Moon Tea
White Licorice Golden Moon Tea
Keemun Little Red Cup
Happy Tea Raizana
Moc Cau Oolong Tra Tha Nguyen
The Diplomat Java Tea Co
Genmai Cha Hime Brand
Rose Tie Guan Yin Tian Hu Shan
Sweet Hot Cinnamon Art of Tea
Rabbit’s Garden Della Terra
Jungle Monkey Chai TeaXotics
Chen Nian Pu Erh Golden Bridge
Spring Oolong River Tea
Ruby Red River Tea
Gingseng Oolong Teasenz
Maracuja Tea Upton Tea Imports
Green Ceylong Alokozay
If all goes as planned (and we don’t get more snow than predicted) I should have the box in the mail tomorrow! Hope everyone is having a great New Year!
Getting ready to post the box soon. Yappychappy, can you please follow me and send me your mailing address?
Were you still not able to get in contact with yappychappy? I’m going to send Yappychappy a message saying you are looking for an address in case he doesn’t see this post! I’ll let you know..
I sent him a message yesterday, and if he doesn’t answer either of us in a few days, you can skip to Fuzzy_Peachkin. For some reason he was missing last round of the teabox too.
Also, please don’t forget to note what you removed/added whenever you get a chance.
alright, we are skipping yappy this round and moving on to Fuzzy_Peachkin. I just sent Fuzzy an email to get her postal address, and will plan to mail out this week, if the weather cooperates!
Ok, I am shipping off to fuzzy.
Himi Genmai Cha
Rishi Tea Silver Needle
Art of Tea Hot Sweet Cinnamon
African Rose Herbal
Tea Thai Nguyen Moi Cau Oolong
Arbor Teas Moroccan Mint
Single Origin Yunnan FOP
Art of Tea Royal Chrysanthemum
TeaVivre Milk Oolong
Organic Korean Barley Tea
Kim’s Homemade Chai Mix
Lupicia Strawberry Vanilla
The Teahouse Sweet Apple
David’s Tea Goji Pop
Tavalon Summer Fruits
Adagio Earl Grey Moonlight
Mighty Leaf Wild Blossoms and Berries
There were a few others that I have discarded, as they were not in a condition I would want to pass onto someone else. In the future, I would recommend making sure that kitties don’t get too close to the teabox please! This is, afterall, a food product we are sending to our friends!
Some nice ones you’ve added! thanks for the note on the condition. As much as kitties love tea, I don’t think they should be around the teabox! You’re right, it is food and no one wants to get sick. Luckily I’m a germaphobe… everyone in my house but me has a cold right now.
I know I already had the box, but I just wanted to agree on the cat note. Pets in general should be kept away from food. Not just for hygiene reasons, but dander allergies are very common and can be extreme. You could legit land someone in the hospital with anaphylactic shock.
Yeah, I was thinking of allergies too. I hope the box hasn’t been THAT bad though. :/
I’m wondering how the box is doing… Has it been sent? Has Fuzzy Peachkin received it?
Sorry I have been MIA. I hope fuzzy_peachkin enjoys the box (:
yappychappy – did you want to be skipped entirely this round or would you like me to move you after fuzzy_peachkin?
wouldn’t it make more sense to move me after DigniTea who is in north carolina?
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