EU Travelling Box - (ROUND FOUR - SIGN UP NOW).

385 Replies

Very nearly made it all the way around Europe for the second time. This is a well travelled box :)

Nattie said

I’ve made little notes of where it’s been along the way, it really has covered quite a few countries! (:

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Nattie said

I think I’m going to be away when day the box arrives D: on the plus side, I’m away for less than a week and leaving in a couple of days, so I think it’s only going to arrive the day before I get back. Poor tea box, lying at reception overnight! ):

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Nattie said

The box has arrived!! :D
I picked it up last night, although sadly after my caffeine curfew, so have only tried a rooibos blend so far. On one hand, I am super thrilled because I didn’t expect it to get here for almost another week. On the other hand, I’m a little bit gutted as I’m going on holiday today, so won’t see it again until Monday ): I’m going to choose a few to take with me, but as I’m staying in a caravan, will probably just take blends which don’t require too much effort (and may have to pinch a few of the T sacs from the box). I really don’t know how I’ll survive knowing the box is at home!

On a slightly sadder note, I have to report that there have been a couple of leakages in transit. The bag which the box came in was covered in rooibos and green tea, and upon closer inspection it appears to be the Shamrock green tea and Strawberries and Cream rooibos. I’m not sure how much there was of each in total, but looking at the amounts in the bag, I think roughly half of the shamrock leaked (the rest has now been relocated to a different pouch, as the one it was in would not close) and all that was left of the strawberry rooibos was just under a teaspoon full. This is the tea I had last night, and wasn’t actually planning on having it as I have a similar one at my parents’ house, but there was a rip in the bottom of it’s paper bag (which leaked even more when I picked it up) so I just emptied what was left into my infuser as I didn’t think it was worth rehousing that little an amount of tea. On the plus side it was delicious, though!

I can’t wait to try the rest of the teas, and will get on it as soon as I return. Sorry it might be a little longer because of this, Kitty, but I’ve just sent you a package out yesterday so hopefully that’ll keep you busy til the tea box arrives back! (:

I’m fine to wait for as long as you need in terms of the box, take your time :) I hope you have a nice holiday.

meldc said

i’m glad it has reached your home.

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Nattie said

Hey all!

I am so so sorry it’s been so long, and sorry I went MIA! I knew life was going to be hectic, but I hadn’t realised just how hectic. I was supposed to be finished a couple of weeks before I actually was, because work just got on top of me and several things meant I needed a couple of extensions. But I am now finished uni for the year and back on Steepster! Yay!

I sent the box off today so hopefully it should be back with KittyLovesTea in a couple of days. Again, I’m really sorry I didn’t get it sorted sooner! I would have opted out if I knew how long I was going to take :/

Teas I tried but did not keep:
- Candy Corn (52teas)
- Shalimar (Tealux)
- Zimbabwe White (Nothing But Tea)
- Xiao Tu Cha Shu Pu Er (Wan Ling Tea House)
- Green Hysson (Gorreana)
- Shangri La (The-o-dor)
- Une Autre Idee (The-o-dor)
- Samurai Chai Mate (Teavana)
- Green Darjeeling (Fru P Kaffe & Te)
- Golden Monkey (Tea Palace)
- Keemun Hao Ya (Tea Palace)
- The des Amants (Palais de Thes)

Teas I finished the sample of (when there was only one cup left):
- Grapefruit Green (Lupicia)
- Happiness (Lupicia)
- Strawberry and Cream Rooibos (Fru P Kaffe & Te)
- Bonbon (Dammann Freres)
- Cola (Dammann Freres)

Teas I kept:
- Lavender Earl Grey (Ovation Teas) [Frank’s choice and new favourite]
- Xin Yang Mao Jian Green (Teavivre)
- Raspberry and Cream Matcha (Red leaf Tea)
- Genmaicha (KittyLovesTea)
- Jamaique (Mariage Freres)
- Baies Sauvages Bio (Comptoir des Thes et des Espices)
- Noel a Pekin (Dammann Freres)
- Organic Buttered Rum (DAVIDsTEA)
- Fee Clochette (Vert-Tiges)
- Peppermint Cream (Bluebird Tea Co.)

Teas I added:
- Molly Hooper (Sherlock blend, Adagio)
- Polyjuice Potion (Harry Potter blend, Adagio)
- Veritaserum (Harry Potter blend, Adagio)
- Butterbeer (Harry Potter blend, Adagio)
- MoriarTEA (Sherlock blend, Adagio)
- Eleven (Doctor Who blend, Adagio)
- Nine (Doctor Who blend, Adagio)
- Amaretto (Whittard of Chelsea)
- Ten (Doctor Who blend, Adagio)
- Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock blend, Adagio)
- Sweet Harvest Pumpkin (Celestial Seasonings)
- Raspberry Green (Adagio)
- Amaretto Matcha, Robust (Red Leaf Teas)
- Fruits Rouges Citron Vert Vanille (Maison Taillefer)
- Beet It (Bluebird Tea Co.)
- Totally Nutty (Bluebird Tea Co.)
- Elderflower Champagne (Bluebird Tea Co.)
- ReviTEAlise (We Are Tea)
- Mango Green Tea (Touch)
- Fraise des Bois Rhubarbe (Maison Taillefer)

Thanks for including me, I hope you enjoy the teas!

Anna said

No worries at all, Nattie – not that I’m waiting to receive the box, but I think one of the best things is that this is a stress-free swap. Sometimes it takes a week, sometimes two, sometimes four or more. =)

KittyLovesTea, thank you again for this initiative – it’s been great fun swapping, and you’ve been a kind, patient and wonderful box mistress (that sure came out sounding inadvertently kinky).

I know you have surgery coming up, so fingers crossed that it works out great and that you heal up fast so you can get back to tea drinking as soon as possible.

I would definitely be up for another round of this box, and I have a bunch of new teas I’d love to share with all of you, but maybe it’s easier to start the new round after the summer? How do the rest of you feel?

Nattie said

I know you all are so lovely and patient, but I feel truly awful for hogging the box for so long – especially when I spent most of that time completely ignoring it!

As for another round, I would love to participate, and would definitely not keep it as long! My address is about to change so the first week of July is awkward for me, but any other time is totally fine. Of course I am more than happy to wait for KittyLovesTea to recover (:

Anna said

According to this international expert, it’s okay to hog the box:

Thanks for the heads up and welcome back Nattie.

Anna I like the sound of box mistress lol

Yes I have my operation at the end of the month and for a few weeks I will not be able to have anything too hot or cold due to stitches in my mouth. So when I have recovered in June some time I will start the sign up for another EU box for whomever wishes to join again. :)

This time I think I’m going to put in a new rule about being active, since we had a mishap towards the middle. New members will not be able to join unless they are active, friendly and prove it. Something that a person cannot do on a whim. Will see who signs up when it opens again.

Anna said

Hi, Kitty – did the box reach you yet? I know you’ve been very busy with other things, so just checking in.

Oh, and I’m in complete agreement with you regarding potential new rules for the next box!

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This is my mistake. I let Nattie know that the box arrived but I completely forgot to mention in here that I received it. Quite a while ago. :( Whoops.

It’s safe and sound and I’m going to start reviewing teas from the box shortly. :)

Anna said

Sounds great, Kitty. =)

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I want to be an honorary European! I’m married to one, that sort of counts right? ;)

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I wanted to update everyone on the box. We have been talking about sending out for another round and I am hoping to get that underway in the next month or two. My reason for a delay this time (as we initially said in the summer) is that I put an offer on a house and it was accepted so right now I am dealing the the legal mumbo jumbo and packing my stuff ready for the move. I have no idea at this time what date I will be moving but I anticipate it will be towards the end of this month or next month. As soon as I move I want to get the box sent out again :) I can update as and when I know anything. Fingers crossed and hopefully sign up will begin at the end of the month.

Nattie said

Sounds great, congrats on the new house! I’m in the process of moving into a new flat at the moment too, so a delay suits me just fine (: hope you have a good, stress-free move!

Thank you Nattie. May you also have an easy move (if there is such a thing) :)

Nattie said

Thank you (:

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Nattie said

Hey everyone!
Since it’s been a while since there’s been any activity on here I wanted to check in and see it there’s still a plan for a round three. Kitty?
On my front, it’s taken longer than expected to settle into my new flat, and I am sadly only just getting back into tea, having only been able to drink English breakfast and earl grey teabags for a while when moving, and then just getting out of the habit after so much tea-in-a-bag. I’m trying to rekindle my passion, and I’d love to complete another round of the TTB.

Where does everyone else stand?

Anna said

I’m always up for some TTB action! I’ll be traveling a bit as usual, but nothing we can’t work around. I haven’t been very active on Steepster lately because the site isn’t working very well, but hopefully they’ll get that sorted sooner or later.

Nattie said

I’ve heard a few people mentioning the technical problems, and I’m feeling less awful about not being so active now (:

Anyone else interested?

I’m still waiting to move, unfortunately the lawyers are taking their sweet ass time over the paper work. Though I hope within two months to be moved out of here. Since It’s taken much longer than I initially thought it would I would be happy to open up the joining for the box and create another one to send. I didn’t get a message about this, it seems Steepster isn’t notifying me at the moment. Lots of bugs on here lately :(

Nattie said

I hope you get it sorted out soon!
I would of course like to sign up again (: I don’t mind where I go in the list, but if other people in the UK are signing up it might be easier to go before or after them.

Good luck with the move!

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May I join in, if possible? I’ve always missed the sign-ups before, somehow!

Yes of course. I think the sign ups may be open for a month due to Steepsters bugs and shortage of members. Hopefully enough of us will sign up before then so we shall see, for now your on the top of the list but you can always change your place in due time :) Some prefer to receive teas from one person over another due to similar tastes.

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Nattie said

I thought I’d post this as a main post as well as my reply further up since Steepster doesn’t seem to be working so well.

I would like to sign up again, please (:

All done Nattie, welcome to the list :)

Nattie said

Yay ^^

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