Tea shop in Germany
Hi there
I will shortly be moving from London to Germany & as I will be unemployed, I was considering the idea of setting up a little tea shop in Munich. I am not sure if a shop is a better idea OR if I should set it up online first, then move into opening a shop? Also, I wouldn’t have a clue on where to bring the tea in from? We have really good tea in England so should I start by taking some of those over? Maybe open an online shop first as rental is very expensive in Munich? Any advice greatly appreciated! p.s. I am a coffee drinker myself but also have an appreciation for good tea!
Hallo Chicca,
I hope your move is working well. I stayed some time in Berlin & loved it. I heard Munich is auch gut!
My impression of Germany is there are lots of “teas in cans” shops, and if you want to stand out it would be wiser to sell vacuum-sealed portions, combined with little food snacks from the East, perhaps. My partner is now in Netherlands, and he is considering such an idea for Amsterdam.
I want to invite you to have a look at our Etsy collection. We have put up samples now, and if you like we can discuss helping to supply your shop with Oolongs & Green teas especially.
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