CLOSED: Travelling Tea Box C Round 2
Hey guys! Sorry I’ve held on to this for so long, I basically have two shows a day (not enough time for tea) and I am away from my tea stash. So I want to wait a few days for all my black friday teas to come in so I can fully fill the box back up :)
What I took/ Sampled
Blueberry Limon- Sample
Malted Chaco-mate- Sample
Smores Chai- Sample
Wild Blackberry- Sample
Carrot Cake- Sample
Jade oolong Chai- Sample
Coco Chocotea- Sample
earl greyer- sample
the Gingerbread man- Sample
Amaretto- enough for 3 or 4 cups
Chocolate Covered Strawberry- 1 oz
Apples and Molasses- 1 oz
Spicy Chai- a little over and ounce
Pineapple Cilantro Cream- little over and ounce
Candy Corn- over an ounce
What I added:
From Della Terra:
Peppermint Bark Black tea .5 oz
Caramel Pumpkin Marshmallow Black .5 oz
Salted Caramel and chocolate .5 oz
Added from Butiki
With open eyes .5 oz
Vanilla Frosted Carrot Cake 1 oz
From Fusion Teas
Honeydew .5 oz
Strawberry Ginger .5 oz
Goodmorning Mate .5 oz
Orange Grapefruit .5 oz
Pistachio Lime under .5 oz
Raspberry Champagne .5 oz
Cinnamon Roll .5 oz
Key Lime Ceylon .5 oz
I’m looking forward to its arrival. Thanks.
it should arrive today. I didn’t get to send it out when I wanted to. (I don’t have a car here had to wait till someone could take me to the post office) But I did add a few extra teas for the wait. Added 4 samples from 52teas from the 12 teas of christmas and also 2 iced teas from 52teas 12 iced teas of christmas.
I didn’t see it this afternoon, but it may have come later. I’ll let you know tomorrow. (Bad time of the year to ship anything!)
The box has been received! It is packed full of teaful goodness. With all the festivities this week, I don’t know how I’ll get through it all before 2014 begins!
I have been enjoying the tea box and will try to send it out again this weekend or early next week.
I believe Fuzzy_Peachkin is next.
I did not get the box out yesterday, so I will try to do it Monday.
I sampled only a small fraction of the many teas that were in the box. I reviewed some of my tastings, but not all.
I am going to add the following-
Euphoria from Kusmi Tea (just under an ounce)
Spicy Cherry from Herbal Infusions Tea Co. (.7 ounces)
Topsy Turvy Tea Blend from Disney Wonderland Tea (.7 ounces)
I took out three tea bags (Egyptian Licorice from Yogi, Earl Grey from Harney and Sons and Earl Grey from Revolution Tea). I put four bags in (Ceylon OP and Genmaicha from Kusmi and 2 coconut mango from Tea Forte).
I don’t think I am going to be removing any particular tea from the box. That may change though.
I got the tea box out today. (I’m glad I did it today because we’re under a blizzard warning in my part of the state.)
Enjoy it Fuzzy_Peachkin, Ellyn and then Dr. Jim.
Is this still open?
It is currently closed, but should finish its route in about 4-8 weeks. At that time we may be looking for new members. No promises, but if you PM me I can add you to the list of potential new members.
I received the box today! So many teas! I’ll be trying to get the box out to Ellyn in about 10 days.
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