Considering a new Traveling Tea Box- [SIGN UPS CLOSED- UPDATED 8/16]
Holy smokes there’s so much tea…
It took me 2 days to figure out where I wanted to begin. I think this is the largest TTB I’ve seen yet.
Having trouble contacting moriwe. Anyone else talked to them recently? Also they induced me early so i am home with baby.
I am so so sorry! Apparently I wasn’t following you! I’ll send you my address now. Again, sorry!
The box got here Saturday afternoon. Haven’t gotten a chance to have anything yet (with the holiday and all), but have scoped it out. This is a huge tea box!
huzzah! Yea… I was overwhlemed by all the tea in there. I just ended up taking a tsp or 2 from the ones I really wanted to try that way I didn’t keep it forever.
I haven’t done many reviews, but I’m just wrapping up with the box (have about 5 left I’d like to try). I’ll make a final list together of what was sampled/taken/added and hopefully get this out by Friday. I sent ARTP a message to verify their shipping address before I ship it, so I’ll probably hold on to the box until then, though. It’s kind of a lot of tea to waste if things have changed.
Thanks for the opportunity everyone!
Final update on the box, as it goes back to its home!
I sampled/took 33 different teas.
20 of them were 1 tsp samples
12 of them were 2 tsp samples
1 was 3 tsp.
13 of these were sipdowns removing them from the box.
Those were:
Orange Blossom (New Mexico Tea Co)
Organic Morning Journey (Hugo)
Classic Apple Pie (Della Terra)
Yunnan Dian Hong (Teavivre)
Downy Pearls (Tea Source)
Yunnan Gold Rush (Big Tea House)
Momoko (Lupicia)
Giddapahar Muscatel 2nd Flush (Darjeeling Tea Lovers)
Genmai Cha Dragon Crisp (Tealux)
Anti V-Day (Della Terra)
Shamrock & Shananigans (Della Terra)
Jasmine Black Pearls (DavidsTea)
Marzipan Dreams (Teavana)
Keeping in mind Artp asked for herbals and non caffeinated teas (though I have relatively few), I added:
Pitta Dosha (Tao of Tea) 13g
Seed Harvest (Handmade Tea) 19g
Masala Chai (Teavana) 24g
Tahitian Limeade (Teavana) 15g
Osmanthus Oolong (EnjoyingTea) 6g
Kenya Orthodox (JusTEA) 8g
Brewed Awakening (Art of Tea) 7g
Valentines (Adagio) 11g
Rooibos Vanilla (Adagio) 14g
Organic Rose Vanilla Rooibos (The Loose Leaf) 7g
Pikachu (Adagio Custom) 8g
Lemon Meringue Pie (California Tea House) 10g
Oerba Dia Vanille (Adagio Custom) 8g
Oerba Yun Fang (Adagio Custom) 11g
Blueberry Syrup (California Tea House) 15g
Rumchata Honeybush (52Teas) 6g
Creamy Caramel Oolong (Tealish) 8g
Xin Yang Mao Jian (Teavivre) 5g
Peach Jasmine Dragon Pearl (Teavivre) 5g
Thanks again!
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