Considering a new Traveling Tea Box- [SIGN UPS CLOSED- UPDATED 8/16]
hey all!! im sorry for the avoidance, i’ve been dealing with a recent death in the family. the box came back to me as a return to sender, which was an error on my part. I’m sending the box back out again tomorrow, with extra tea in it because of all of the hassle involved from me! sorry again guys!
Another bump to see if perhaps anyone knows where this box currently is or what’s going on now?
The enormous box of tea just arrived today. YAY! We’re back in business!
What a great exploration that was. Totally worth the wait. I have put the box I the mail and it is on its way to Short Sorceress.
It came in yesterday, but I haven’t had a chance to crack it open yet. Hopefully I’ll be able to start posting tasting notes tomorrow morning.
I’ve been sick the last few days so I decided to take a short break from the box, but I’m over halfway through the teas I wanted to try. I hope to drop it in the mail sometime next week.
Here is what I’ve added to the box so far
Cola Chai – Kalli Tea
Lemon Lime Cheesecake HB – 52 teas
Chamomile Vanilla Bean – Utopia
Roasted Almond Cookie – Utopia
Amandine Rose – Teavana
Coco Lemon Thai – DAVIDsTEA
LaLa Lemon – DAVIDsTEA
Hibiscus Punch – Teasource
African Rose Herbal – Simple Loose Leaf
Infusion #9 – Simple Loose Leaf
Rooibos Ginger Peach – Georgia Tea Co
Honeybush Hazelnut – Adagio
Dewy Cherry – Adagio
Raspberry Patch – Adagio
Silver Buds Yabao – Verdant
Peach Apple Crisp – the Persimmon Tree Tea Co
Flowering Honeybush – Tazo
rootbeer float – Della Terra
long island sencha – culinary teas
awesome looks good. My doctor has asked me to pretty much stop flying so this will be perfect timing.
I made sure most of what I added was caffeine free so you’ll have plenty of tea to choose from :)
So excited for the progress of the box! As an update on myself, I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and was asked to go without caffeine for a while and see how that affects me. So, the more caffeine-free tea that comes to me, the better. But it’s not a big deal at all.
Thank you to everyone for your continued work to make this a great experience for everyone that’s still waiting.
If you see anything in my cupboard that you would like me to add Artp let me know. I’ll be sure to put some caffine free stuff in for you
I have about 10 more teas I want to try, so hopefully the box will make it in the mail by Friday or Saturday.
If anyone is curious here is what I’ve finished off and what I have chosen to remove so far.
Dragon Well Green (Long Jing) – Teavivre
Jasmine Dragon Pearls – TeaVivre
Pistachio Ice Cream – Butiki
Jade Oolong – Mountain Tea Co
Black Pearl Oolong – Mountain Tea Co
Giddapahar Darjeeling Extra Special – Butiki
Green of London – Le Palais des Thes
Graveyard Mist – 52teas
Laoshan Bilochun Green – Verdant
Jade Dragon Mao Feng – Teavana
white chocolate peppermint – Teavana (part)
Toasted Nut Brûlée Oolong – Teavana
“starry sky” – Cantata
Jasmine Silver Needle White – Teavana
Formosa Oolong Spring Dragon – Upton
Med. Roast Osmanthus Oolong – Mountain Tea Co
The TTB is on its way to you Skysamurai. I sent it priority mail so it should show up on Thursday.
I’ve received the box! Was downstairs doing my pregnancy yoga and thought I heard the door ring. My husband ran up the stairs to go check and there it was! Christmas in April! I’m so excited!
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