Oh no, I’m so sorry everyone! It’s me, I’m the silly person this time who holds on to the box way too long. =/ Midterms started happening and then just didn’t stop, so the box was sitting by my door for days (weeks?) and I couldn’t find a moment to get to the post office. =/
So I just sent it off this morning, and it should arrive on Thursday.
I took all of: Cocoa Canella, Caramel Toffee Pu-erh, Amandine Rose, Pear Spice, Grapefruit Dragon, and Lavender Chamomile.
I added (weights include packaging):
Verdant: Northern Wilds (.9 oz), Bilochun Green (1 oz), Budset White Peony (1.3 oz), Bai Mu Dan White (1.2 oz), Autumn Tieguanyin (.75 oz)
DavidsTea: Sugar & Spice (1.2 oz) and Glitter & Gold (.5 oz)
Adagio: Ooooh Darjeeling (.4 oz) and two custom blends (.55 oz each) [I don’t expect anyone to fall in love with these, but I like them and they’ll at least be interesting to try, I hope…]
Also: Cantata Starry Sky (.75 oz) and Zarrin Pure Ceylon Special OPA [not sure what’s up with that name?] (1 oz)
So sorry again for the delay! BlueLotus I’m messaging you the tracking number.
thank you sweetie! and don’t worry about the wait- its been a very bust few weeks for mee too!
so, i got the box today! ill be pawing through it for the next few doays. i cant believe how many different teas are in here, wow!
It was pretty overwhelming when I got it :) And, based on all the notes here, it looks like it has grown (at least in number of teas if not weight). There were so many when I got it that there was no way to sample them all in a week. But, at least there’s something for everyone!
Hey all-
the tea box will be back out in a few days. the weather took a turn for the worse up here.
hey, does anyone know if teamore is still in for it? i havent heard from them with their address…
Hi, sorry. I’m definitely still in. Follow me and I’ll send you my address. Thanks :)
Great. Thanks for the follow. I sent my address. I cannot wait to see this massive box of tea!
Happy New Year!
Any update on the box? It’s been awhile since anything has been posted.
I’ve been in communication with Blue Lotus but still don’t have the box. I sent them another message today just to check in. I think thier post office was closed for a while due to bad weather.
Box finally went out and all is well, guys! this polar vortex kind of caused a few issues in my area, but its out and everything should be okay :)
Awesome! I’ll let you know when it gets here. :)
I still haven’t gotten the box and Blue Lotus is not responding to my messages. Not sure what to do here.
If we don’t hear from Blue Lotus soon I’d be willing to start a new box, this one has been stalled for quite some time.
1 tasting note, 7 months ago… :( that makes me sad for you guys… i hope they come back..
Short Sorceress, if you do, let me know and I’ll send you teas to put in.
That’s very sweet Short Sorceress and a great idea. I would honestly just want the box to show up. All that tea, oh Blue Lotus, come back !! Lol.
Shall we say to give it until the end of the week?
Someone must have a physical address. Can we try sending her/him a letter?
If we don’t hear from Blue Lotus by Saturday I’ll spend Sunday getting a box together and hopefully have it in the mail on Monday so we can get the box moving again. We can just bump my name to the bottom of the list and Moraiwe can send it to me so the contents have a chance to change a bit before it is my turn.
I apologize for how absent I’ve been, my new job is more demanding than I had thought. That being said, I have a significant amount of loose leaf that I will never get to at this rate; I’d love to contribute to the new box, since this was all my endeavor in the first place.
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