Considering a new Traveling Tea Box- [SIGN UPS CLOSED- UPDATED 8/16]
Hey guys, I don’t know if Ellyn is still interested in participating, but I never received an address from her, nor is she following me, so I can’t PM her. I am ready to send the box on, should I wait or …
It looks like Teatee would be next on the list. Maybe I could go ahead and send it there if Teatee would send me their address?
Exidy: I’ve been traveling! Sorry for the delay. I am pming you my addy now….!!!!
The box is on its way! I had a tough time deciding what to take and what to add. The box has so many choices, and I have so many I want to share!
Here is what I took:
Zen Tea Toffee Dream (all)
Adagio Cinnamon Spice (all)
Tazo Sultry Strawberry (all) – I had no idea Tazo had loose teas, and so good too!
Ujinotsuyu Iemon Sencha iri Maccha (all)
Handmade Teas Iced Lemon Mint (part)
Adagio Captain Mal (half)
Harney & Son’s Hot Cinnamon Spice (all) – i love cinnamon teas, and this one is super spicy, yum!
Here’s what I added:
Numi Chocolate Puerh
Upton Tea Poire Cream
Upton Tea Spring Dragon
Rishi Coconut Oolong
52Teas Lime Jello Salad
52Teas Graveyard Mist
Lupicia Golden Honey Dew Green Rooibos
Verdant Chocolate Phoenix Chai
Butiki Grapefruit Dragon
Butiki Pistachio Ice Cream
Della Terra Eight Candles
Hey All:
I am so enjoying the teabox. I plan on sending it out tmw or Thursday. I don’t have Teatee’s address. Teatee send it my way!
Hey all sorry that I’ve been awol for a bit. Not having as much morning sickness as I thought I would and luckily tea has not affected it. In fact I find that drinking green tea keeps me feeling a lot better then when I don’t drink it. Or maybe I’m just addicted _.
Anyway. Looks like the box is coming along nicely! If anyone wants me to add anything when it gets to me let me know.
The teabox is on the move! It took me longer then I thought to find a new box. The last box was ruined when the mailman left it outside my house when it was raining.
I removed:
Lupicia – Golden Honey Dew – all
Whittard’s – Chili Mango – all
Verdant Tea – Laoshan Black – ½ sample
Upton Tea – Poire crème – all
Handmade teas – Iced Lemon Mint
Butiki Teas – Grapefruit Dragon – ½ sample
Butki Teas – The Black Lotus
Handmade Tea – Wolf Peach Island
Harney & Sons – Dragon Pearl Jasmine
Della Terra Tea – Blueberry Crumble
Persimmon Tree Tea Company – Jasmine Pearls
Harney & Sons – Paris (took less then ½ oz)
Harney & Sons – Florence (took less then ½ oz)
Butiki Teas – Pistacho Ice Cream (took ½ sample)
I finished:
Harney & Sons – Royal Wedding
I added:
Whittard – Spice Imperial – Sample
52 Teas – Red Hot Orange White – Sample
Harney & Sons -French Super Blue Lavender
Davids Tea – Jasmine Black Pearls
Della Terra Teas – Chocolate Orange Slice
Teavana – Rooibos Peach Bloom
Harney & Sons – Birthday Tea – 4 Tea Sachets
Handmade Tea – November Bouquet
Harney & Sons – Boston (packaged by The Tea Gathering)
Teavivre – Mengku Palace Ripened Golden Buds
Hugo Tea – Organic Morning’s Journey
Big Tea House – Yunnan Gold Rush
Davids Tea – Main Squeeze
52 Teas – Shamrock Green
52 Teas – Caramel Apple Oolong
Butiki Teas – Organic Lavender Chamomile
Can’t wait to see the next update!
Received the box from Ellyn today. I’m very excited this is my first travelling box. I’m going to be out of town for a few days this week, but my plan is to get it back in the mail by next Tuesday.
Sorry I’ve been disappearing a lot. Huge work event this week. So grateful for the progress of the box!
Hi Everyone!
Tasting teas in our traveling box has been a lot of fun! I’ve been away from home for 4 days this past week so I haven’t had as much time to taste as I would like, but I’ve pulled out some yummy teas that I’ve liked and some still to try. I’m packing up the box to send out tomorrow, but I’ve got a few questions before I mail it to Dr Jim:
Are tea samples in tins discouraged? I have a few samples I’ve purchased from Upton teas (1+ oz each) and they are already nicely packaged in very tight tins, but I don’t want to include the teas in tins if that is not the thing to do.
Is it ok to send teabag teas? Most teas in the box are loose, but I’ve got some Dammann Freres and Harney and Sons teas in teabags I’d like to include.
Is it ok to take all of a sample? There are a few teas I really like and would like to take the remaining ounce (maybe more) that is remaining in the box.
Are prepackaged samples ok to send? I’ve got some nice sample teas from TeaVivre, Upton and Butiki I would like to send. Most are the free samples that are included with orders, some are from sample sets I ordered.
I will of course be adding teas to the traveling box that are at least equal, if not more, both in weight and price.
Thanks for your help!
Tins typically weigh more, so they do add to shipping costs. I’ve seen them in several tea boxes, though, so it’s at your discretion. I’d advise to avoid them if possible though.
Teabag teas are absolutely fine!
Yep! You can take all of (or some of) a sample. Just make sure you replace what you take out with an equal amount/value of tea.
I’ve also seen prepackaged samples come through, so I don’t see any problem there either!
Those are just my thoughts/what I’ve seen. Everyone is more than welcome to weigh in! :)
Echo the above though you might want to ask Dr. Jim if he’s interested in the tinned teas. If the teas are one’s he’s likely to take out than go ahead and leave them in the tins.
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