My first teapot (a green curve from forlife) is called Tim. Tim the Teapot. Then there’s my yixing with the floral motif: Daisy. My tiny yixing is Colin. I’m getting a gaiwan this week and I have yet to meet it, but I’m thinking it’s going to be Mike.
Yes, there’s a method to my madness. These are all characters from one of my all-time favorite sitcoms. ;)
my fiance uses only Shakespeare characters
I think I will name my teapot “Rabs.”
LOL! You could have a whole bunch of teaware named after different people on Steepster :D
Oh man, now you’ve made me want to watch Spaced again.
No. I personally think that’s silly. I have to have a way to distinguish them though though so I call them my shu yixing, sheng yixing, ingenuiTEA, etc. So I guess you could call “Shu” and “Sheng” names, but I don’t think that’s quite what you’re talking about. I should mention that I absolutely give them the respect they deserve as my personal property, but I don’t store up treasures on earth so I fear that giving them names will give them too much importance in my life.
Nope I don’t name mine either.
I name things, my car, my laptops, my computers … none of my teapots have earned unique names yet though since they are all very different (zarafina, teaforte, breville) – when i end up with two similar teapots (2 by breville for example) they’ll get names
Hmm! I hadn’t named my teapots, but perhaps I should. Might keep my big glass teapot from getting too jealous of the wee one if it had its own name…. ;)
I named my dedicated/seasoned yixing tea mugs – Serenity, Tranquility & Harmony (they are posted on flickr steepster group, if you are interested in catching a sight of ’em Supposedly (it is the intent), I am reflecting upon these values as I make the tea & sip from these cups.
Awww! That’s so wonderful – and they’re sooo pretty! :)
HeHeHe – the things I do now that I am on Steepster! & thank you!
I name basically everything. Not because I am THAT attached to them (although I am a huge packrat and am quite fond of STUFF), but mostly because I like thinking up cool names that I would probably never actually inflict on, say, children. My Ipod is named Dagmara, my cello is named Sonja, my laptop is named Filomena, and my teapot is Ivan.
I haven’t named my car though. I guess because I hate driving.
LOVE your names (especially Filomena and Ivan)! I hadn’t really thought as to why I do it beyond that it’s fun. And I’ve named my cars: TARDIS (actually had a custom plate with that), Mr. Darcy, and now I have K9. And (to keep the replies to a minumum) you do indeed need to watch Spaced again. And Black Books. ;)
I named my Filofax (back when I had one) Trevor. And I named the voice of my car’s navigation system, which has an English accent, Nigel. I pulled up next to a woman with the exact same car in the Whole Foods parking lot one day and we got to chatting about our cars and how much we loved them, and we got on the subject of the voice of the navigation system. She said “oh, we call him Nigel.” I thought I was going to wet myself for laughing.
Not intentionally.
I got a few yixing teapots back in summer 04. I have a few that I hadn’t used lately and left with my family, but I recently wanted to retrieve some for my new greens, oolongs, and puers. This last weekend, I went home to visit them with my girlfriend (who is Chinese), and picked up the only one of those pots I could find. My girfriend gave me a “you can’t be serious” look, and I was just totally confused.
Turns out that emblazoned on the front of that teapot were two characters that sounded just like my ex-girlfriend’s very uncommon name – the ex I met in fall 04. I had no idea because they are not the same characters!
So, I’m still looking for an oolong pot. Maybe one with “Hui” on it.
LOL! Er, I mean that’s an unfortunate coincidence.
Ok. that is funny, I actually make teapots and for my show at college I had to name all the teapots I made. One was “Ima” like Ima little teapot, one was “Gorby” He had a red “liver spot” on the front in the glaze, those were the two most memorable, and kinda funny. I think maybe I need to start that up again.
IMA! HAHA! Absoflippinlutely awesome.
Yes, I’m currently naming my yixing pots as names come to mind, but sometimes they change :) they’re all new so none of them are fixed yet.
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