just started a 100 days of tea to see how many kinds of tea I can try each day! @ leafinhotwater.com
Your blog looks so great! I love the design and, of course, the posts themselves. Following . . .
thanks Shae! sorry i didn’t see your reply and thank you for the kind words :)
My blog is fairly new compared to many of the amazing tea blogs that are listed here.
The main topic of my blog is Matcha, the tea itself.
I review the green gold from different vendors and write about other Matcha related topics.
1) This thread is perfect. I look forward to reading all of your thoughts as you explain/write about your experience with all sorts of teas from all over.
2) My blog is new and it is focused on creation of teas (mine that is): https://liquidproust.wordpress.com/
3) If I own a wordpress that is through .com and it won’t let me subscribe or sign in if the wordpress is a .de or .uk, can I still subscribe somehow?
4) When a Blogger site doesn’t have a box to put an email address in to subscribe via email, is there a way that someone can still subscribe via email?
I use bloglovin to manage all my blog subs – it’ll put everything in one place to browse or send you an email when each blog is updated or in one daily email.
Greetings! I was just looking around here, and I write a blog about tea. I suppose I could review some teas here too, I just never got around to it. I don’t drink exactly the same teas, or at least not so many from the same vendors, because I live in Bangkok, but I’m from the US.
Anyway, that blog: http://teaintheancientworld.blogspot.com/
Really well written and informative! I’m going to follow to learn more about those types of teas.
Thanks! Feel free to ask questions too; kind of goes without saying I like to talk about tea. I can get a little carried away with research and questions and details but essentially the complexity is a good thing, and it’s all only as complicated as one makes it.
I’ve started up a new blog that reviews both tea and books!
It’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while. If you liked my “what fictional character does this tea remind me of” posts last year, you might like this.
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