I have one as well. While it is mostly tea, it isn’t limited to that, there is food and a little travel. Right now I’m at:
http://mizzprissy.wordpress.com/ but as soon as I figure out how to do it, I will be moving it to: mzpriss.com
Hi! My blog is teawithpolly.wordpress.com
It’s about my tea tasting, and musings on life. Thanks for checking it out.
Yay! More tea blogs to read :)
My blog is all tea with occasional geeky ramblings and craft musing:
Awesome! Ours is less about tea and more about sharing the neat things that tea drinkers do!
Here is mine :) I only posted a little because I was too busy but this year I’ll post more tea-related :) https://bibisteahaus.wordpress.com/
Mine is Tunes’N’Tea. Pretty much me posting some occasional tea reviews. I have a new smart phone so I can take photos better and document my steepings easier. I also post Music with info relating to the song and band. I try to find music that isn’t something you would hear on the radio all the time. It is an eclectic mix, from Movie OSTS, to game music, and new & old music that I find lurking the web or world.
Lots of Steepster members with blogs :)
My blog features tea reviews and some information/facts that I hope to build in the near future into a catalogue. It’s all as I learn it and I hope to make friends along the way of my tea journey.
www.kittylovestea.co.uk (I also own www.kittylovestea.com)
My blog is NOT a tea blog, though I post about tea sometimes. Today I posted a Chai recipe I found and tried and loved. :)
I guess I’ll post mine too. http://deathbytea.blogspot.com
My blog is last thoughts of a tea drunk in old age, basically. Mostly puerh. It is tea fluff, tea drivel, or tea dribble depending upon the day. Nothing educational about tea, I assume the readers mostly know more than I about puerh.
Cwyn is FAR too modest – her blog is always a good read. Always.
Thanks for posting your link, Cwyn! I love your style, stories, and voice.
Your blog is one of my favorite tea blogs out there.
Thanks guys, I write it for y’all here, you know that!
I’ve been slowly reading it at work over the last few days. In reverse. Really interesting stuff!
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