Going by the new list and suggestions from dr. Jim the box sent out today to melissatea. The box was around 12 bucks.
Thanks. I’m looking forward to getting it.
I’m glad to see this one is on its way. I’m having lots of fun going through Dr Jim’s box right now.
Awesome! I’m hyped for this one too :)
Good golly! That means I’m second for this one. Yay!
The tea box has arrived! But I have to wait until the morning to get it. (I hate when that happens.)
DrJim’s box sat on my table for nearly 18hrs while I cleaned up the mess my toddler made drawing on the couch cushions with orange crayon. I was so busy cleaning I didn’t even get to open it. The suspense was killing me…heh… but now that i’ve gotten to open it I’m really enjoying trying all the teas that I wouldn’t have normally purchased for myself.
yay!!! i can’t wait to hear all about it. I love reading it.
I got the tea box this morning and sampled so much tea before noon, I almost felt ill!
Chuckieroy did a wonderful job putting in a good selection of tea. Today I tried:
Mango Yoghurt
Precious White Peach
S’mores Genmaicha
White pear
My goal is to sample a few more tomorrow and then make a decision about what to swap for. I am planning on putting in some Green Tea Passion (Mighty Leaf Tea), Polish Earl Grey (Kusmi) and two more.
My other goal is to get the box out to Fuzzy_Peachkin by Saturday. By the way, it cost $12.90 for Chuckieroy to send it to me.
So glad you are enjoying the box, and this it was finally able to leave my hands lol
BrewTEAlly – I’m sorry. Is there is standard way to do it that I don’t know about?
I’ve got traveling tea box C right now and I just put a line in bold at the top of my tasting note for each individual tea as I review it. It makes it easy for everyone to immediately see that it’s a tea out of the box so they can read it or skip it if they don’t want spoilers.
Melissa – I wouldn’t worry about it now if you haven’t been logging/reviewing them as you taste. Personally I didn’t think it was a required thing. Just a nice thing to do, especially for the people who added things to the box before it goes so they can see how someone likes or may not like something. At least, that’s what I’m going to be looking for after I send the box on after me. Lol.
I apologize for not doing (or knowing) that. I don’t think I’m up to starting that at this point. (Between my husband and kids, I get so little time on the computer.)
Sorry to disappoint. Since I’m the first one with the box, hopefully it won’t matter too much.
Don’t worry about it, just concentrate on enjoying the tea, that’s the important thing. Everyone handles their turn with a traveling box differently, there is no wrong way.
I know what it’s like to have so little time left over after the husband and kids. I’ve been staying up late this past week just so I can work through the box I have without any interruptions (or a toddler drinking my tea before I get to it.)
Don’t let it cause you stress. Most of us are new at this, including me. One possibility would be to just review a few teas that you particularly enjoyed. I’ll admit that I’ve enjoyed seeing Short Sorceress’ comments on the teas I put in the box.
Watch out, Fuzzy_Peachkin the box is on its way! I sent it out this afternoon, so I bet it will arrive in your part of the state Monday.
I added a spreadsheet to keep track of the contents of the box. It might be interesting to see this at the end to figure out what went where and who added what. (I printed the spreadsheet on some scrap paper, so just ignore the backsides.) Everyone can write his/her name in the appropriate column and then log if you “sampled”, “took” or “added” a tea.
I also put a note/letter in the box that we can all contribute to.
For the more interesting stuff:
1) I took out the Mango Yoghurt and the Rooibos Panna Cotta Rhubarb Cream. I took about 5 servings of the Caramel Black too.
2) I put in about an ounce of Polish Earl Grey (Kusmi Tea) and a little less than an ounce of Green Tea Passion (Mighty Leaf Tea). I put in about 1.3 ounces of Lime Detoxifying Pu’erh tea (from my local tea shop) and a little less than an ounce of Lapsang Souchong (Wegmans).
I really enjoyed the tea box and I’m sorry I didn’t do any reviews.
I received the box today and I’m giddy from all the choices. I’ll be logging the teas I try and should have the box on it’s way in about a week.
Is Ellyn still in on this? I’m following her, but can’t message her. Because she isn’t following me. She hasn’t logged in a while. If not, the next person on the list is Dr Jim!
I’m here, I’m here! I’m sorry fuzzy peachkin I thought I had followed you. Am sending msg right now!
If you’ve been following me you know just how much I’ve enjoyed the box! I should have this in the mail on Monday or Tuesday.
I am taking:
Bedtime Chai (whole)
Peach Tranquility (whole)
Zingiber ginger coconut (5 cups worth)
Iced Princess (5 cups worth)
Oolong shalimov (5 cups)
Dong Ding Oolong (2 cups woth)
Green tea passion (3 cups worth)
Pumpkin pie( 3 cups)
Arabian Nights (3. Cups worth)
Adding Various amounts of:
Palais de The:
Fleur de Geisha
Blue of London
Javavana Mate
Tulsi Dosha Chai
The Killer’s Vanilla
Lavender Chamomile
Coconut Grove
Chocolate Orange
Five Year Aged Tieguanyin
The box is on its way! I sent it to Ellyn in Massachusetts this morning! Funny thing is, I’ll be passing through MA on Friday when I drive up to Maine. But it would be really creepy if I just drove up in the middle of the night, left the box on someone’s doorstop and drove away, right? :-)
If you drove up in the middle of the night to spread tea love I’d be okay with it! Can’t wait for the box.
This has been a moral quandary I’ve faced too (though not with teaboxes). In the end it always gets mailed. XD
It’s good to know, I wouldn’t be considered creepy AND good to know someone else has been faced with this same issue. :-)
It would be really weird if you left it on the wrong doorstep :)
lol! Now I’m picturing the face of the person who would open the unexpected tea box! “What is all of this? Tea?!”
Ha ha. I’m picturing the SWAT team watching the robot delicately open the box, only to find tea, after someone called in a suspicious package.
That was my second thought! Lol!
The swat teams usually detonate suspicious packages. Imagine the big cloud of tea
I’ve never seen something like this, so cool! I’m excited to participate. Is there anyway for me to get in on this one? :-) Also, how long can you keep the box before you send it to the next person?
This box’s list is already closed, but traveling boxes are always being formed. Just look for them on the boards. You can even start your own if you have enough tea to start a box.
There’s no set time limit for having the box, but most of us try to pass it on within a couple of weeks. It’s really more about staying in contact with the rest of the group just so they know you’re not trying to abscond with the tea. :-)
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