I'll give you a 40% Off Coupon if you help me get to 100 followers on OpenSky!

37 Replies
teajoteas said

Did everybody get their code so far? I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone.

TeaLady441 said

I did, thanks!

MelissaTea said

Yes. Thanks.

boychik said

i did.Thank you

ifjuly said

yes, thanks.

i did, thank you.

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teapot1 said

Yes, I did! Thank you!

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teajoteas said

At 19 now, thanks for the support so far!

TeaLady441 said

Woo! I hope we can make 50 followers!

teajoteas said

Me too, we’re at 20 right now, so I hope our store can go live…waiting to see. Please forward the link to all your friends, and remember that they don’t need to be on Facebook to sign up. Thanks.

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teajoteas said

I guess we can open our store when our “Invited Follower” count reaches 20 even through our total count is 21. Right now, our Invited Count is 17…so not there quite yet :)

Thanks again!

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MelissaTea said

Congratulations! I see the store has opened with 28 followers. Good luck! Your teas look better than any others on OpenSky.


teajoteas said

Thanks to you and the others!

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teajoteas said

I believe we are at 24 invited followers…we’re just about halfway to 50, and of course the coupon value goes up to 30%!

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teajoteas said

I’ve extended the 20% coupon to July 7th!

ifjuly said

i get that you mean you’ll give the code out to new people until july 7th, but just double checking: it’s good for 60 days after we receive the code, right? so not for another month at least? i’m going out of town and won’t be back til july 14, just want to make sure i’ll still be able to use it when i get back.

thanks so much for the promo, by the way! can’t wait to try your earl grey. (:

teajoteas said

I was going to have the actual coupon expire on the 7th but will go ahead and extend till the 19th. How’s that?

ifjuly said

ooh no, that’s alright; i just must’ve lost track of time (easy for me to do in summer)! glad you posted the reminder—i thought i had ’til end of july/start of august somehow. just ordered! looking forward to trying your teas. (: thanks again for the coupon code.

teajoteas said

Thanks, just saw the order. Great idea to order 9 different samples…and a good variety too. They’re shipping out tomorrow!

ifjuly said

yay! so fast. thank you. (:

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teajoteas said

Just hit 50 followers on OpenSky….I bumped the discount to 30%!

TeaLady441 said

That’s awesome! Thanks

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MelissaTea said


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