Steepster Book Club?

Rabs, Janni and I were throwing around the idea of starting a Steepster Book Club! This is just a little toe in the water to see if there is any interest and if interested, what do you think we should read? :) You guys write such thoughtful tasting notes, and I know so many of you like to read. I think we can have a lot of fun reading books together and “talking” about them, cup of tea in hand!

Subject matter: I wouldn’t be adverse to mixing it up! Fiction, non-fiction, books about tea, books with characters that drink tea, a book that evokes a certain tea to you. We were also thinking of reading some classics and having a framework to read by, like “if this character was a tea, which tea would s/he be?” I was thinking we could collect nominations for books, then have a vote. The most popular title wins for the month. Then, you can choose to participate that month based on if you’d like to read the book.

So, are you interested? Have you been in a great book club, and have suggestions on how to make this one successful? Do you have a book to nominate? Are we on the wrong track? Please post :) We’d love to hear your opinions!

82 Replies
Cofftea said

Since Harney & Sons is active on steepser, what about Michael Harney’s book? Maybe Jason could even make signed copies an SS item to promote the book club. I suggested this on the “features” thread a looong time ago- I’m so glad someone is doing something about it.:) Would it be a virtual book club or just for select steepster members depending on location? If it would be a virtual book club, how would that work? When I suggested it I was hoping live chat would be up.

Rabs said

I too love the SS idea :D As of now it’s just a virtual book club, but I’m guessing that if you know of other Steepsterites living nearby then you could organize a book club get-together at a tea shop, cafe, library, etc as a supplement to the online stuff. We’re still trying to figure out how it’ll work. We’ve kicked around some ideas, but really wanted to see what others thought (like if there was enough interest to make this happen) and get ideas. I think that this will evolve over time when we figure out what works well and what doesn’t. Plus, if Steepster gets a live chat going, then that could really rock this idea!

Cofftea said

What about the A Tea Shop Mystery series by Laura Childs? Chicken Soup for the Tea Lovers Soul? Three Cups of Tea?

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not sure if my reading collection would fit, i read scifi/fantasy and marketing books…..but if any of them came into the list i’d love to read along and join in

There has to be a SF/Fantasy character who loves tea!! Do you know any off the top of your head!?!? I know of some shows (Star Trek and Dr Who come to mind) but not books. I enjoy SF/Fantasy but am not very widely read in the genre – would love to read more :)

Rabs said

Even with my hoity-toity English Lit degree I am so there for scifi/fantasy (Terry Pratchett being one of the most brilliant living writers imho). I can’t recall any of the character in his books as being tea drinkers, but the Discworld’s take on Shakespeare is one of the funniest things that I’ve ever read. Maybe Thursday Next is a tea drinker – but that’s stretching it. And I won’t force Neal Stephenson on anyone. I love Gaiman, but I’ve only read a small portion of his work. I guess that what all my rambling means is that you’re not alone AmazonV!

well i mean there are some characters who happen to drink tea, or badly want to (hitchhiker’s guide anyone?) but i can’t recall any character who’s specific about it beyond ‘tea’ hmmmm

Janni select said

I haven’t read anywhere NEAR all of them, but for some reason I seem to recall Honor Harrington enjoying tea.

I could be on crack, however. Which is hardly a substitute for tea, but times, they are tough. ;)

There was definitely tea making and drinking in the Thursday Next books. Gran in the plane houseboat.

Rabs said

Lordy-loo! ::double facepalm:: Hitchhiker’s! (it’s been since elementary school that I read them – so I don’t feel utterly horrible, and I just picked up a compendium of the five parts of the trilogy to re-read soon). And how could I foget Gran!?!?! My kitty that I use for my profile is on one of Jasper Fforde’s websites since he was the first cat (as far as Mr. Fforde or I know) named after the Cat Formerly Known as Cheshire :D

Since you mentioned Cheshire, we should read Alice, I’d love to read it again. And it’s sort of sci fi. ;-)

Chef8489 said

Hitchhikers guide to the galazy is all about tea. Lots of tea mentioned in it.

Morgana I’d love to read Alice in Wonderland in our club!

oh! could we read the combo with through the looking glass? loove

Meghann M said

I’d love to read it with Through the Looking Glass. One I’ve bought but never got around to.

Janefan said

I’d love to re-read any/all of the Hitchiker’s Guide books – they are so much fun! I don’t consider myself as being “into” sci-fi, but to me they are more about the British sense of humor than the outer space setting.

I just re-read Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass for my real-life bookclub (19th cent Brit Lit). We had a tea party and everything! I think it would be a great pick for this group too, just for the Mad Tea Party alone. Steepster is a sort of mad tea party in it’s own right, at least in that it’s never-ending: It’s always teatime here!

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Love that suggestion! I have that book and think that it’s incredibly well written and full of so much good information. I would love to discuss it! I also think making it a SS would be great if we decide to do this one :) In fact, maybe each month’s selection could be a SS if the Overlords deem it appropriate!

Maybe we could alternate non-fiction and fiction each month…

Thank you for your suggestions!

SoccerMom said

The Harney and Sons book is soo good. I would love to join the book club and like the idea of being able to vote for a book or opt out if I do not like the book voted in for that month.

Meghann M said

I also would join the book club and like the idea of being able to vote for a book and opt out if the book doesn’t interest me. Sounds like a great idea. I’m not sure of any recommendations as of yet. I read mostly fiction(mystery/thriller/romance/fantasy) but would be up for switching things up a bit.

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Lori said

This does sound like a great idea! Especially, as it does seem that many Steepsterites love to read…Could be tricky trying to finalize a book selection..

I know! I figure we’ll be doing one a month, so if a book doesn’t make it one month, there is always next month. I also see it as a way to expand our horizons, like a tea of the month club or the GM sampler. Little did I know I would so fall in love with jasmine and mint (and maybe I’ll read a genre of book that I didn’t think I’d like and then find a whole new interest to explore!)!

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Lori said

But maybe the Harney and Sons book could be a great place to start…Also the Book of Tea by Okakura is a possibility…

I am not as crazy for science fiction but I could give it a whirl…

SoccerMom said

ditto on the science fiction.

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teaplz said

I’d vote for this one, I think. I work at a major publisher, so I’m helping to make the books you read. :D

Janefan said

I hadn’t heard of Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand until reading this thread, but now I’m intrigued. Looks l right up my alley. That’s so neat that you work in publishing teaplz! Thank you for helping to make books :-)

both of those look interesting, man how did people select books before there were customer reviews!

Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand was an Early Reviewers book on LibraryThing in October.

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another suggestion: Three Cups of Tea

(The book’s title comes from a Balti proverb: “The first time you share tea with a Balti, you are a stranger. The second time you take tea, you are an honored guest. The third time you share a cup of tea, you become family…”)

Cofftea said

lol I suggested that one too:)

I’ve been wanting to read that one for awhile :) I love that proverb and education is a huge interest of mine and why I’m back in school after all these years!

SoccerMom said

My vote is for Three Cups of Tea.

Cofftea said

I agree ScoccerMom, that’s the only book I’m interested in reading that isn’t actually about tea.

also looks good

I have a copy of this one. I started reading it for a book club read at one point and never finished it. I’m not so good at starting or sticking with non-fiction reads.

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Lori said

Hmmm..Jacqueline both of your suggestions sound intriguing.

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Cait select said

Do any of y’all use GoodReads? We could start a book club for Steepsterites over there, collect lists of tea books, compare reviews….

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I, too, love this idea! I’m a librarian, so I spend most of my day surrounded by books (and, of course, tea). :)

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