Tea Buying Hiatus Support Group

1303 Replies
Eveleaf said

The irony is that I was just kicking my own ass about how much tea I have, feeling like I had too much and too many varieties, and taking a hard line approach to buying more until I’d worked my way through at least a third of my current stash.

Then I read a few of the posts here, and see how small my little tea collection is compared to some, and now I’ve just about given myself permission to stock up some more!

So you guys are seriously not good for me.

By way of comparison, I’m sitting on 330 extra-large servings of tea in 55 varieties, of which I brew up 3-4 a day…so enough for 100 days, at my current rate.

Seriously, how am I supposed to exert self-control now?

mrmopar said

Only 55 varieties? What will you drink on day 56?

Dr Jim said

Do the math: with only 55 varieties and 3-4 servings a day she’ll be bored by day 20.

Eveleaf said

I’m afraid there’s some truth to that. :(

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Rasseru said

I failed in my effort to wait till march :D

the sheng olympics forced my hand a bit with the bang wei, then a swap from Rui A made me put a deposit down on a cake of rui gong, then the moonlight sonata just tasted like such a good present for my ex’s daughter. And some samples of other sheng from a few vendors.


Maybe I should put a Warning, This purchase may lead to others on group buys?

Rasseru said


Dr Jim said

I confess to posting a brag about how I hadn’t bought anything this year (paid for Sheng Olympics early) and within an hour spent $50. Deleted the post. Now I’m joining a group buy. Fortunately I planned for a big budget this year (more realistic than in the past) so I’m just on track.

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So…I conveniently forgot to cancel my White2Tea club subscription until it was too late (in accordance with the tea buying hiatus of course).. and was given a shou stuffed mandarin on Sunday, and some “Thé des Impressionistes” was given to me by a family friend..

It seems that even as I struggle to not acquire more tea and stop myself from making purchases tea keeps coming to me! At this point I’m wondering if it’s even possible to get the stash down to a reasonable level

Sil select said

it totally is..just may take a few years lol or adjust your definition of “reasonable” ha!

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Kim said

I keep trying to go on a tea buying hiatus, but I keep succumbing to sudden urges. I follow Steepsters on IG and I’ll see beautiful pictures of their tea orders and I end up telling myself, “oh! I just HAVE to have that one.” or “Oh, just one more order and then I’ll stop.” OK, today I’m starting over. Once my oolong brick arrives, that’ll be it.

mrmopar said

You will have to do the swap thing. That helps somewhat……That darned boychik and all those pictures of pretty tea and teaware…… well you know…

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Ummm guys… you’re supposed to be SUPPORTING! Not enabling! O.M.G! I’m so not coming back into this thread again!! This is not helping! LOL!

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It’s been a few days, but I managed to get past White2Tea’s sale. My card was loaded and I was in the check out a couple times…and then I closed tab.

Dr Jim said

Good for you. I was tempted, but the YS sale was the one that was really tough for me. I made it though.

Thanks for the pat on the back. It would have been my first White2Tea order.

Good job to you too!

Dr Jim said

Yes, well I’m in the process of blowing it at Tea Urchin. See the next post. I hang out with a bad crowd. The only positive is that I’m buying parts of cakes and even splitting samples.

mrmopar said

Yes Yes….

I suppose you could use reason that it’s better to sample since small amounts go down quicker.

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Rasseru said

LP, Mr Mopar, cookies & Dr Jim forced me into a group buy even though I told them I was on hiatus

do I need these people as friends of mine, I wonder

mrmopar said


Dr Jim said

With friends like us, who needs vendor advertising? I don’t recall any hiatus conversations. More like: “Oh, that tea sounds nice!”

cookies said

Uh huh. I don’t remember much resistance on your part :p

Rasseru said

i distinctly remember you lot twisting my arm somewhere with threats of something

Dr Jim said

The only threat was that if you didn’t buy the tea, someone else would

Rasseru said

ah yes that was it. I think its all LPs fault anyway

I suppose I will take all the blame… because I gave you your first taste, which has you coming back for more, I was the gateway.
No apologies given, but I will recognize my doing of such things.

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awilsondc said

I need help, lol. I was planning on spending $0 on tea this year since I have soooo much tea and need to drink what I have, but looking at my collection everything I feel needs a few more years to age so… I’ve already placed 3 orders and spent over $400 and I really need to stop. Right after I add a couple high quality (read expensive) semi aged sheng’s to my collection for long term storage that is! ;) Hey, if you’ve got any suggestions for a 10+ year old sheng suitable for long term storage, I’m thinking old arbor high quality with good chi, I’d love some suggestions! And then that’s IT! I’m DONE for the year!

Ubacat said

My target is to give into little indulgences without placing massive orders. Yunnan Sourcing doesn’t count since I have to maximize that one to make up for the shipping. My wish list for my next YS order is sooooo long. LOL

AllanK said

If you want old arbor high quality with really good qi, I’d say participate in the next Yangqinghao group order. The teas are really expensive but they generally have really good qi. There are probably a couple on the Yunnan Sourcing website of comparable quality but those are going to be expensive too. Unfortunately, quality sheng costs money.

awilsondc said

Exactly Allan. The kind I want, 30+ year old sheng costs thousands of dollars per cake and that’s a little too steep for me, so… A couple hundred now + a couple decades of patience and I hope to be drinking the best quality tea and lots of it from my retirement until I kick the bucket. I just ordered a bunch of samples from YS so I hope to find a couple good ones worthy of holding onto for that long.

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Lynxiebrat said

It took me quite a while but I worked my way thru this whole thread. I’m usually not a fan of responding to long winded threads, but there are certain ones that I make an exception for.

The last (almost) 3 months, my Mother, whom I live with, has been on vacation in South Carolina. So, with her absence, I’ve been buying tea, tea, TEA! With little thought of restraining myself.

Quarter to Tea (Samples, and then a full order of the ones I liked and more samples.)
Davids Tea (Twice! 8-12 teas both times.)
Lupicia (Happy Bag, then 6 teas…barely managed to restrain myself from ordering more.)
Kusmi (The Essential 25 Teas teabag box. Due to their outragous prices, won’t be ordering from them anytime soon.)
52Teas (Mainly samples, plus more Razzleberry Genmaicha.)
Fusion (Mainly samples plus more Lemon Bud Oolong.)
Teavana (This one will actually be tomorrow.)

So, after tomorow, I have GOT to put myself on hiatus at least till this summer, when I’ve decided to allow myself a Lupicia order, though I have a feeling that one might be just the teas that I really liked from Lupicia, instead of more try outs. I might allow myself a small sample order from Quarter to Tea, but it depends on what their Spring/Summer offering is.

Until January, the last time I ordered tea was late summer before Verdant moved to China. And if they start making their blends again, well that is one of the few companies I might allow myself to break hiatus for. So…it will be difficult going on hiatus but I believe I can do it.

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Rasseru said

Oops sorry, wrong room. I thought this was the ‘tea buying hi-whats-your-status’ thread

Lynxiebrat said

Snickers my reply probably doesn’t help with that;)

There is one, but to one’s been replying to the Share Your Orders thread.

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