Tea Buying Hiatus Support Group

1303 Replies

If I sold some candles at a yard sale, I can use that money for tea. Right?

cookies said

If you really think about it, that’s more trading than outright buying…

That’s what I thought. (Going to Lupicia again tomorrow).

Sil select said

i think it depends…are you trying not to spend money, or not increase your cupboard size with tea ;)

I’ve got space for one Lupicia tea.

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Riimu said

I had to go on hiatus since my cupboard where I keep my teas is too full, almost everytime I open it I get tea package shower. I really want to buy new puerh and green teas but I really have to drink those old ones first, there is also quite much black tea that I don’t really like, but no one throws tea away.

Sil select said

you could always try giving the tea away, or swapping it for tea you would enjoy!

Riimu said

Maybe I could. Problem is I have never shipped or posted anything bigger than a postcard, so everything can go wrong.

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Mandala’s ripe pu’erh sampler kinda sorta broke my hiatus, but with that I’m all set well into next year. Thus I, the OP, begin again.

That sampler was worth it :)

I am stoked to try Phatty Cake II. It sounds so good.

Uniquity said

Are you saying you’re not going to order any larger sizes after trying a tantalizing sampler?! You’re a better person than I. :)

Actually I already have 1oz each of Special Dark and Noble Mark from the 50% off sale. I will use the 10% discount one of these days…

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I just sent in a request to get some free samples from Teasenz for review, and Teasenz agreed to send some my way. Free samples with free shipping! Technically I haven’t purchased anything, but…

Ah well. Only about 2.5 weeks to go until September anyways. ;-)

It’s okay, you can blame me for advertising it. :P

What did you get?

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It’s been a while since I’ve posted here… I’ve anything but stopped. I have a problem. A tasty problem.

At last though, I’ve run out of room, and am done for a while. Let’s get drinkin’!


edit: none of those are empty, most are above 80% full, many of the shincha greens in the big stack are sealed 2013s

I am jealous of your Lupicia!

I have the tea envy too.

At least your tea looks nicely organized. Mine is a mess!

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Sil select said

I was doing really well…until work shipped me off to chicago. I’m almost certain I’m coming home to a cupboard that’s going to be back up to 140+ in short order. Since you know I also picked up 1-2 teas here and there as a reward for getting under 100….I swear 90is my “can never get to” point

Ubacat said

Oh, must have been lots of nice teas there! What did you get?

Sil select said

uh i’ve got a tea inbound from Nina’s Paris; 5-7 teas from Teavivre; verdant’s blends club and while in chicago i picked up 3 teas from adagio and another uh 11? or so from Tea Gschwedner…

Ubacat said

Both Adagio and Tea Gschwedner have some amazing teas so it’s worth it.

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Ubacat said

Well, I vowed not to get anymore teas until the Black Friday sales and I already blew it. Not because I was tempted with a tea I had to have. Not because I was tempted with a sale too good. No, my buying had only to do with having a really really really really bad day yesterday and flipping my top. So I ordered a couple of teas and a gaiwan from Royal Tea Bay on Ebay. Yes, it did make me feel a little better. I admit it. I have a tea buying problem.

Dr Jim said

There are a lot of responses to a bad day that are much worse than buying a bit of tea. Maybe just a sign of good mental health?

Cheri select said

I agree!

My new mantra is, there’s no such thing as too much tea. There is only too little storage.

Ubacat said

Ah, I feel so much better now. You guys are awesome! Love your mantra Marzipan.

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Ag select said

Sliding back into this thread. I’ve got an order from Mandala, White2Tea, and The Tea Merchant coming in, then I’m done for a while. My tea trunk is back to overflowing, so I won’t be ordering any more teas until Black Friday (where I’ll likely only allow myself a restock of some teas and maybe one or two new samples to try). In the meantime, I’ll polish off some flavoured teas that have been very neglected since I seem to have shifted towards a preference for unflavoured.

Dr Jim said

A tea trunk??? Sounds really hard core. I’m picturing the footlocker I used for summer camp.

Ag select said

Haha, it’s really just a medium/large sized plastic storage box. I keep all my teas in there, sorted by type in cardboard boxes. I like calling it my tea trunk mostly because of the alliteration.

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AllanK said

I desperately need to go on a haitus. I have acquired way too much tea over the last two years and spent way too much on teawares. I need to perhaps set a reasonable goal first. I am going to try to put in no orders until the end of the month, and then limit it to one tea on EBay each month until Christmas. I really want to put in an order from White2Tea though.

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Cheri select said

I need to be honest. I broke my hiatus. I went on haitus this time because I have too much tea. And yesterday, I ordered more. It was a bad day, so I ordered from Whispering Pines. And today, I think I’m going to take advantage of the Green Terrace Teas 50% off sale, because I liked the tea and it’s 50% off.

And then I have to stop. I have to stop. (But I’m also thinking about placing a Mandala order.)

Ubacat said

Sounds just like me! I had a bad day and bought from Royal Tea Bay on EBay. Then I bought from Green Terrace Teas because I love their teas too! Only $5.00 shipping to Canada and 50% off! Can’t beat that! And just like you, I’m thinking of doing another Mandala order for some of my fav shengs. I’m justifying all of this because I’m planning on clearing out some of the teas in my cabinet that I’m not drinking and either doing a swap or sell. I just have to get them organized. On the good side, I’m only buying teas I LOVE!

Dr Jim said

I did the Green Terrace sale as well, but don’t feel bad about it. I was saving up for Black Friday, but this deal was as good as anything I’ll see then so I just deducted the $50 I spent from my BF budget.

Cheri select said

Well, I can afford it, which is a good thing. I just don’t have anywhere to put it. That’s the real reason why I need to stop buying.

Dr Jim said

I’m starting to just throw out teas that are over a year old and rated below about 75. Life is short; why drink mediocre tea?

Cheri select said

I’m trying to only drink tea I like. I’m still finding out what I like, but I’m getting closer to narrowing it down. And getting rid of a lot of what isn’t floating my boat anymore.

Ubacat said

Yeah, one of the things I find so hard is when a tea is getting amazing reviews here but I know it’s not a type of tea I would normally love. I still feel the need to try/get it. It’s better in those cases just to get samples.
My tastes have been changing too. I have a few old flavoured teas I still enjoy but am reaching for flavoured teas less and less.

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