Tea Buying Hiatus Support Group
Well my hiatus so far has been going ok. I made it the whole month of June with only making one order, but I considered it to be a necessary order so it shouldn’t really count. So far I am acutally happy with all the teas that I have. I will have an order for RLT soon but that’s only cuz I am running low on matcha. So it is not an impulse order and therefore doesn’t count. Lets see what July brings!
Bring on July! Made my goal to get to 200 for the end of June, now to set that same goal for the end of July since i have at least one birthday order and a few teas coming from terri that will push me back up over 200.
I only placed one order in June, with Mandala, but I admit, it was kind of a doozie! Otherwise, I’ve successfully fought the urge to order from all my other favorite places…whew!
I’m going to try to allow myself one decent order per month per company…maybe…then there’s black friday looming…lol
Ok…ok…just for today I will not order tea! I’ll just keep it at that!
I have been very good, but cupboard it about to go crazy. In a planned way! But I’ll be in Paris in two weeks and all bets are off! I also just won $10 off a Butiki order, which I will make once I get back mid-month. Oh and more Teavivre samples are on their way. Yup… time to get to sipdowns!
Hahah. I’ve done that before! :P (Recognized a few people from Steepster based on their activity on tea-related pages!)
Confessions: I finally broke down. Went into Davids tea to buy a thermometer (can’t figure out how the bloody thing works btw, no instructions) and left with one tea. THEN yesterday I was out exploring and came across a Le Palais De Thes in Dublin and made it out with only three teas. Minimum is 100grams which is kind of a lot. I think I’ll have to go back before I leave. New York is the only place in the states they have shops. I have mixed feelings about this hiatus break. Ha, a hiatus hiatus!
Hiatus is officially over! I am in Spain now, and heading to Paris soon, but I just made large order of teas from a French reseller to be delivered to my hotel in Paris (hope it arrives!). And when I get to Paris, there will be much more!
Ugh. Forced hiatus from buying any tea for the foreseeable future. /mourns/ My car now needs new front & rear brakes (est $800), but instead of putting that much into a car nearly 20 years old, I’m buying a new car….well, new in the sense that it’s only about 10 years old instead. Lol! I’m getting it from a friend who is moving out of the country, so I’m saving quite a bit than if I had to buy it from a dealer or something.
But it effectively cuts me off from all extra purchases, very specifically tea. Which is very sad because I just cashed out a $10 voucher from Verdant to buy tea and possibly a gaiwan & cup before I went on vacation (and found out this whole thing with my car). /headdesk/
Dustin – It’s actually a little bit under $800, but I guess they have to replace both front and back, which sucks ‘cause I love my car and don’t want to get rid of it. /sigh/
I failed sort of. I got my wisdom teeth out today and so the misery which accompanies that as well as Verdant’s new breakfast blend made me cave and order from both verdant as well as butiki (though that was just to stock up ob premium taiwanese assam since i’m already almost out). My mom funded the verdant because she wanted to use it as iced tea as well
Ah darn whatever
Doesn’t count in my mind either. Ha :D I feel ya for the wisdom teeth, I remember getting mine done. I had to get all four done at the same time, and it was over Spring break in my grade 12. What a great way to spend a vacation, heh.
Super curious about the breakfast blend. I’m tempted to get it too, but the fact that it’s all black tea plus a random white tea weirds me out a bit. But I guess it’d be really nice as a cold brew.
Last year’s imperial summer blend was really tasty. It wasn’t the exact same blend, but used similar components, so I’m sure this one will be tasty too. I’m also sure I’ll be getting some :)
Yeah i guess you’re right about the relapse… Thanks for the support about my wisdom teeth! I got all four removed today, and it’s the summer before 12th grade for me:) I don’t feel totally miserable as much as i just feel frustrated because there’s only so much i can do about eating and talking :/
As far as the blend goes i’ll be sure to brew it a bunch of ways and write up a tasting note right when i get it ;)
Still on tea hiatus minus the order I placed from verdant for my birthday. We had a few minor things crop up we had to pay for unexpectedly so my butiki and mandala birthday orders are on hold unless my overtime pay is better than I think it will be. On the plus side, I’ve managed to really cut my orders down – I think it’s been 1 a month since may and those have been super small and shared with others.
That’s too bad about the unexpected bills sneaking up, but I gotta commend you for 1 order a month. That’s really amazing. :D
It’s really helping especially since they’ve all been shared order and less than 6 teas in each
Yeah, the shared order thing gives you a little extra something to look forward to :)
Considering the amount of money I have spent on tea and travel in the last couple of months I really need to take a break on purchases, but the Lupicia newsletter for this month has the cutest little iced tea pitchers and I really want one! Perfect for cold brewing my daily lunch tea, which right now I do by steeping it in a glass and straining the leaves with a mesh and a funnel into my iced tea bottle. This would be so much better! But I really need to not buy anything for the rest of this month! Augh.
At least its teaware and not tea?
Me too!!! I’ve been wanting to get one but was wondering if anyone had tried them yet.
Hiatus momentarily broken. I was out of Bailin Gongfu Black tea from TeVivre. I could not resist the 30% off and bought 500g. Back to my regular plan for waiting until September for more tea acquisition.
The bailin gongfu is the only tea that I have ever made for my grandmother that she liked enough to request. Good stuff!
I’m afraid I’m going to have to break my hiatus for the Teavivre sale as well. I’m still resisting, but I think it’s a losing battle. So much for waiting for September :(
I am making myself feel better knowing that some of mine will be gifted! (I love that they package in 100g packets even when you buy more.)
Well. I couln’t hold out. Just placed my order for Balin Gongfu and a couple of Keemuns. Sigh.
Lol the Teavivre sale is making me break my hiatus as well. I can’t resist their beautiful jasmine silver needle!
And I have to restart my hiatus after Verdant’s teaware sale proved too much to resist. Geeze, that only lasted two weeks. /hangs head in shame/
I’m seriously considering hiding my credit card at this point. Lol. But hey, my first gaiwan! XD;
There was a show on TLC called Extreme Cheapskates. The one man would freeze his wife’s credit card in a tray of ice. That way if she wanted to use it, she had to work pretty hard to get it out. Haha. Ridiculous but I guess it would work.
Lol. That’s pretty extreme. Though more for physical stores since you could probly see the number through the ice and still use it online. Lol. I’d just drop the whole tray on the floor and sift through the wreckage for the card. XD
I would hide mine, but I memorized the number because I used it so often from buying tea. I’m relying on sheer willpower xP
I have found a fair amount of success with my hiatus so far this summer. Just like with sour cream and onion chips, I can’t just totally avoid, I need to allow myself to have some every once in while…moderation. So I have been using my Steepster shopping list to keep track of teas I need or really want. I went through and deleted all of the ones that I just thought looked neat or maybe wanted to try and kept only those ones I couldn’t do without. Then when a good sale came up, I made an order for only the things on my shopping list. It has still brought more tea into the house, but at a lower level, and I am able to do more sipdowns. Have had no recent adrenaline fueled tea buying or chip eating binges…yet.
I want chips now.
I also want chips now. Better order some tea? No, wait. /0\
I’ve been relying more on my shopping list to determine if I break my hiatus too!
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