Hello everyone :) I won an ebay auction for a variety box of tea and also I’d bought some teas and had some teas already, so now I kind of have too much. I just really wanted to try a whole lot of different teas :D Let’s swap some out?
Red Leaf Matcha:
- Cola Matcha
- Irish Cream Matcha
- Pina Colada Matcha
No brand
- Raspberry Honey Tea
- Roasting Yerba Mate
-Pineapple Bacon Rooibos
-Shamrock Green Tea
-Flaming Chocolate Mate
-Red Velvet Cake Mate
-Decaf Carol
-Tea Break
Zen Tea
-Phoenix Pearl
-Vanilla Heaven
-Lavender Nirvana
Also got a gift of Bentley’s tea bag assortment: Blueberry Green Tea, Mint Tea, Lemon Honey & Chamomile Herbal Tea, Pomegranate Green Tea & Oriental Treasure Green Tea.
I’m interested in Cookies & Cream Black matcha, Pineapple Bacon Rooibos, Red Velvet Cake Mate! Let me know if there is anything in my cupboard you would like to try!
Sure, just follow me so we can PM :)
I am sooo interested in the Irish cream matcha, mint matcha 50/50 matcha, lupicia tea break, Phoenix pearl! Let me know if your interested at all:) I will be getting more new teas this next week:)
I’d like some of the Shamrock Green Tea and Butterbeer (and the cookies & cream and Irish cream matcha, if you have any left). I’m away from home so I don’t have all the teas in my cupboard at my disposal, but I do have quite a few!
I would be interested in the Peach Oolong, Swampwater, Butterbeer, Sticky Rice Puerh. Take a look in my cupboard and let me know if you find anything you’d like :)
OMG piña colada matcha!? Anything of mine look good to you? PM me :)
African autumn teabags would make me a happy kid. Look in my cupboard and see if anything interests you?
Sure, follow me so I can message you ok :)
Mmm to the vanilla mint and sticky rice puerhs – following you now.
Anyone interested in splitting 4 ounces of Butiki organic Mao Jian with me? It’s too much for me to take on myself, but it’s just $7 and it’s hard for me to say no to a bargain :)
ok sorry I desperately need money so I’m turning what I had here into a box to buy
Hi! I’d love to do a sample swap + maybe relieve you of the Malted Chocomate :D Take a look through my cupboard and message me if that sounds good?
Sure! I’ve got a couple other things I’m about to add so let me know also if any of those interest you.
I’d like to work something out for the Verdant wild-picked and 52teas strawberry zabaglione, and possibly a few other things. I don’t have everything in my cupboard on hand, but I do have a pretty good assortment.
I’m interested in swapping and have followed you so we can msg :)
I have a few teas that I have way too much of and am interested in swapping with y’all! I’m not married to doing oz-for-oz swaps, given the variance of prices between teas it makes sense to work out whatever is fair. I have a digital food scale, so I can swap precise oz or g measurements.
I’m pretty new here so I’d be happy to send first.
Teas (all loose):
Adagio Genmai Cha – I really like this tea, but I have a LOT of it so I am trying to clear some out of my stash. I could swap for smaller samples or larger amounts, let me know how much you want.
Adagio Raspberry Green – 3.5 ounces minus a about 8 teaspoons. Again, I could swap for the whole bag or dish out samples or smaller swaps.
Republic of Tea Pomegranate Superfruit Green – 3.5 oz minus several teaspoons. Will swap it out in samples.
Adagio White Peach – 1.5 oz minus a few teaspoons. I could swap for the whole bag or dish out samples or smaller swaps.
Can I swap for the hibiscus, or some of it you’d prefer? Hope you find something of interest in my cupboard :]
Oooh, I’d love to trade for some of the Magnolia Oolong and/or Navajo Tea. It is at my office right now, so I wouldn’t be able to give you an exact weight until Monday night, but I’d be willing to trade all of it if you’re interested — I got it thinking it was just hibiscus flowers because I wanted to use it it blends, didn’t realize it was already blended with black tea. It’s good but not what I was looking for, and I’ve gotten flowers to blend since then.
I followed you~ Holy cow! I even looked at Adagio’s webpage and didn’t even notice it was blended with black tea. What an odd tea. I’d still like to swap. Send me a PM!
I just got my first Verdant tea monthly box and it’s just not for me. All the teas are unopened and I’d love to swap them for something I’m interested in (mostly black blends, including Adagio custom!). Here are the teas included:
Mrs. Li’s Shi Feng Dragonwell Green
Sun Dried Jingshan Green
Spring Harvest Laoshan Green
I also have:
Culinary Teas Key Lime – 7 Tea bags
Culinary Teas Blue Lady – ~1 oz
Culinary Teas Angel’s Dream – ~1oz
I would be thrilled to take all the Verdant off your hands! Check out my cupboard and see you find anything worth trading for?
Hello all! I have the following for trade after some more tea organization took place.
.9 oz of Yumberry Wulong
~2 oz of Black tea with Chamomile from Nature’s Tea Leaf
1.9 oz of Spring White Leaf from Nature’s Tea Leaf
1.8 oz of Organic Raspberry Leaf Tea from Nature’s Tea Leaf
.89 oz of Nature’s Tea Leaf – Jasmine Blossom Green Tea
~3.5 oz of Garden of Eden from Capital Teas (a DC tea shop)
~1.3 oz of Samurai Chai Mate from Teavana
Im interested….anyone have any Green Tea from China or maybe Matcha??
I have some matcha, if you’ll follow me – we can message each other :)
I have the following to swap:
DAVIDs Cinnamon Rooibos Chai – 1.4 oz. minus two cups’ worth
Mariage Frères Bouddha Bleu – about 1 oz.
I do want to try the cinnamon rooibos.
If you’re willing to divide the Bouddha Bleu, I’d be happy to trade for half if there’s something in my cupboard that you’re interested in :)
Lariel – Do you have tradeable quantities of any Della Terra teas that aren’t in your cupboard?
Moraiwe – You have a bunch of teas I’d like to try, PM’ing you now!
I have a few teas that I’d like to share. I have a lot of allergies, so it’s usually safer if I buy from stores rather than swap. Thus, these are essentially freebies to whoever is interested. :)
10 teabags of Republic of Tea’s Blackberry Sage
1.5 oz. of DavidsTEA Quanghzou Oolong
(note: I’ve never sent tea by oz. before so I had to Google measurement conversions. My oz. estimation for the oolong above is based on the calculation that 6 teaspoons = 1 oz, so 9 teaspoons = 1.5 oz.)
I’d take the oolong! Can I reimburse you for shipping?
@Martine: Shipping reimbursement would be great, but can you explain how that would work?
If you have a Paypal account I could send a few bucks your way.
Hmm, I don’t have a Paypal account. That’s alright, I don’t mind sending it to you free of charge. :) I will follow you and if you reciprocate, we should be able to message regarding addresses.
I would love to try out different black Earl Greys. I have the Teavana Earl Grey Black (my current favorite) and a couple samples on order from Della Terra (The Earl Grey Creame) and Arbor Teas (The Organic Earl Grey Black Tea) so I am looking for others to try.
Most of the things in my cupboard are sample-size (2oz or smaller) but I have larger quantities of the following:
Earl Grey, Black – Teavana
Pine Smoked Black – Tao of Tea
Pitta Dosha – Tao of Tea
Kama Sutra Chai – Metropolitan Tea Company
Misc. bags of the Zhena’s Gypsy Tea
Thank you!
I’m interested in trying some of the Pine Smoked Black, let me know if anything in my cupboard catches your eye. I believe I have some Earls
I have some Adagio Earl Grey Bravo I would be happy to trade for the Pitta Dosha :)
Wonderful! Please follow me so we can message. Have a great evening!
Wow! Thanks for the responses, everyone! Let’s call that good for now – the wonderful people who have replied will keep me busy for a while! At this point I’ll make my husband happy by stopping here – for now! Thank you again!
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