Title: Private Bookmark?
The Avengers discover that there are fans who write explicit RPF fic about them.
Some of them are very confused. Some are proud. Some don’t understand why everyone writes the pairings who aren’t together but hardly anyone writes the couple who actually is together.
Much silliness ensues.
this fic is only 2600 words and worth every hilarious moment. seriously, even if Avengers isn’t your fandom, do yourself the favor!
Here’s one I loved. Lots of Dr Banner, LOTS OF HULK. HULK FEELINGS. Stark/Banner
Irreconcilable Differences
Bruce has been searching for a cure again, but Tony doesn’t think the green guy is a disease. Abruptly, he’s given everything he’s ever wanted, and… well, it seems it’s all more complicated than that.
Hulk – Amateur Psychology Hour with Tony Stark – Clint as a troll – more Hulk – Bruce as an angry introspective mess – Hulk again – Steve as Team Dad – Nick Fury as Nick Fury – Hulk smash! – Tony as a caped crusader for Hulk Rights – Rules, Rules, Rules – Natasha as the boss of everything – the Experimental Method (by T. Hulk) – Thor as the God of Thunder and Frustration – Tony as the king of the oblivious idiots – Stealth Sass Master Banner …
…and a lot of figuring out who you really are.
oh yes that does look good!
BAMF Bruce!
sent to kindlllllle!
p.s. oh it’s a long one isn’t it hah
i read this and cried from laughing at my desk.
i have to go fix my make-up now
Questionnaire by storiesfortravellers
Starfevre! I just wanted to say that the author of your rec, determamfidd, has a few shorter ones that I’ve tried out and they are very clever! I can already tell that irreconcilable Differences would be great.
I’m writing from my phone I just had to say something ASAP hah
I just finally read Private Bookmark? and OMG that was hilarious. That’s staying on the kindle. Questionnaire was pretty fun too.
I’m currently looking up more from determamfidd too to add to my to read pile.
you know how when you find a line so funny that you wanna copy and paste it into an text or email or whatever to share it, well i can’t do that with “Private Bookmark?” because i would have to copy and paste THE ENTIRE THING! hahah it’s so short and i’m reading it again right now.
giggling always makes the day better!
i love when they are all best best friends.
If you became a mermaid with no voice, would you want to:
A. Undergo a quest to retrieve your voice
B. Get your legs back and return to land.
C. Become sea foam.
D. Live with the mermaid people.
Oh gods…this might be the best ridiculous little thing I’ve read in a very long time. :)
Hey, speaking of fanfic, have you guys heard this:
“But signing on with Amazon means fanfic authors will have to play by Amazon’s rules. The company’s content guidelines for authors include six no-nos: pornography, offensive content, illegal/copyright infringing content, poor customer experience (i.e., misleading title or a poorly formatted novel), excessive use of brand names and “crossover” stories that include elements of two different series."
With all the restrictions and the limited series they are offering to play with, I don’t see this as working very well.
haha ya, i have heard this.
my sister and i have hypothesized and lamented for hours what this might mean for the fic community in the long run. but truth is there’s really no way to tell.
we are just grateful we got the opportunity to enjoy the community before it got too muddied up by corporate interests. and who knows, perhaps something good will actually come of it?
damn you 50 shades to hell!
Yeah it sounds like they’re taking all the fun out of it. I don’t write fic, but I wonder if that would really change things for a lot of writers – seems like most do it just for fun anyway, so Ao3 and should still be stuffed full of wonders.
I love this thread. Whenever you guys comment it reminds me to get OUT THERE and look at recs. Currently I’m looking at Wheel of Time fic, which is a bit obscure, so I’m taking what I can get. My kindle is going to have so much on it the next time I fire it up. <3
Now if only Ao3 had direct to Kindle support. :D Well, maybe not. It’s probably better this way so I have time to consume all of this as well!
I’m also going after Bane/John Blake because I’m about a year behind everyone else for fandoms. :P
Being behind in fandoms just means there’s more to consume when you get there.
it’s true! it’s the best!
i’ve added over 150 fics to read to my kindle over the last 3 days and i’m not even daunted by the task!
tea will help me through!
So I feel like I’m new to the game, but I just found out about Pinboard as a pretty good resource for bookmarking ALL THE FIC.
Have you guys tried it out? I started my account yesterday – with all the settings etc it totally seems worth the $10 the guy is asking for. And I like going crazy sorting/collecting too and this lets me go nuts.
i’ve never heard of pinboard, but…i kinda become apprehensive about anything that will help me become more obsessed with a thing i’m already too obsessed with. i bet it’s great though!
hey guys! how are ya doing?!
what are you guys reading lately?
are you having as much fun as i am?
do you all have e-readers?
i just feel like gabbin i guess.
Avengers fanfic still eating my brain.
hah tell me about it! this weekend i surrendered and deleted everything BUT my avengers fic off my kindle. and last night my roommates even wanted to watch Iron Man 2 with me. and it’s not even noon yet and i have already sent myself 25 new fics to read. le sigh.
Lately I’ve gotten into Reboot Star Trek fics. Though I want to go back and reread this one Avengers fic I adore. And there’s a few Hobbit ones…./ponders/ So many fics to read, so little time (because work sucks like that). Lol.
hey Starfevre! i just grabbed all the “Stark Technologies, For All Your Text and E-mail Requirements” fics that you recommended via your ao3 bookmarks and even the titles are cracking me up!! can’t wait!
i’m probably gonna read it right after i finish the “In Which Tony Stark Builds Himself Some Friends (But His Family Was Assigned by Nick Fury)” series aka “The Toasterverse”. which i also noticed in your bookmarks. (i accidentally read part 3 first, and read part 1 yesterday and it was super glee inducing.) i’m loving that series right now.
you might like the “Rom-Commed By Fate (Or JARVIS)” story i read this weekend? not like a tippy-top personal fave but really really adorable. NOT that you need any recommendations hah!
at least i got my ‘fics to read’ on my kindle down below 200. oh. but i just added like 25 more so nevermind.
okay okay nevermind again, make that 36 fics i just sent to my kindle.
but some are short i swear!
and i know recommending ANY fic is always like a crazy person idea, but i do it anyway. as they say, it is what it is.
I am happy with any recs. It sounds familiar so I may have read it already…but really that’s irrelevant because I re-read things all the time.
That’s just what I needed for my commute home. :D
omg that was adorable and so fun! thanks Starfevre! go team!
I could have sworn I replied to this thread months ago, I certainly remember reading it!
I don’t read much fan fic, as I have to be in the right kind of mood to enjoy it, and keep in mind that it is fan fiction….I’ve gotten caught in the same trap of getting it in my head as Canon. I really prefer the type of fic that doesn’t involve characters that I’ve already gotten to know well, But in the same universe and with the same rules and consistant aspects. like for instance would love to read some fics from Neville Longbottom’s perspective with not only the adventures he’s shared with Harry, Hermione, and Ron, but more in how he’s grown and developed. As someone who usually votes for the underdog I really wish that he had a bigger role in the books and I think he would of made a better best friend then Ron. (Sorry to Ron fans, but I think he’s bit of a wart.)
Of the Fic I’ve liked mostly:
Valdemar-Mercedes Lackey (Original Authors, I cannot remember any fic authors.)
Elemental Magic Series (Same)
Tortall-Tamora Pierce
Winding Circle(same)
Harry Potter
Slash Fic-I love the idea of slash, it appeals to my warped mind. However, actually reading it often squicks me out. I don’t know why. Like in trying to read HP slash….lol nope could not do it!
Kidfic-I will have to check that out, a lot of the fantasy stuff I’ve been reading lately tends to more oriented for kids/teens. Unless it gets squicky…could not handle that.
Filk-Song Fic-The little that I’ve heard, (Usually Mercedes Lackey’s stuff.) I’ve pretty much liked. Always wanted to buy the cds.
Crossovers usually don’t interest me much because it’s hard to get my brain wrapped around it to enjoy the story.
Tentacle/Any porn-LOL. Not gonna touch that topic on this site. On a adult site….yeah:)
I know a bit about rooting for the underdog. I don’t know if it counts as the same, but I have a certain fondness for Rory in Doctor Who. He’s always getting pushed around, ignored, and even dying and is stuck in the shadow of the Doctor and Amy.
no way man! everyone loves Rory! (don’t they?!?!)
i follow the Rory Williams is the New Chuck Norris fb page and everything :) hahah
Well I just followed that without ANY hesitation. :)
I didn’t like Rory. But that was just me. :)
:P I know a lot of people got sick him, and his plotlines so that doesn’t surprise me.
I always appreciated his contribution to the dynamic, but I never had any need or time for him. I like that Amy had a soul mate that wasn’t the Doctor, but he didn’t need to be there for me. He definitely got better after the last centurion business though. He was downright witty in the last season.
LOL…I hope I don’t have to turn in my geek card, but I have not been able to get into Doctor Who. I watched a few episodes of the original 1963 Doctor, (Thanks to Youtube.) really wanted to watch most of the earlier episodes so I could get a good sense of the show and basic characteristics of the Good Doctor. But due to having a hard time in finding certain seasons, (I mostly watch a lot of my tv shows on, a free website that has links to videos hosts to various shows. Being broke I cannot afford Netflix but after I’ve saved up to move, and have actually moved out, as well as for a new car…I might take the plunge and get Netflix. So I did start watching a later season…2005, but got restless with it, just could not sustain interest.
I suspect a lot of it has to do with being weary of alien associated stuff, (Some exceptions such as Star Trek/Star Wars…if I had to choose between the 2, SW would win hands down.) I am more of a geek for fantasy, especially the authors I mentioned above along with Charles de Lint, Rick Riordan. I adore shows that have a supernatural/magical bent to them…always have. I also like comic books/graphic novels such as XMen, (Though again, due to being broke I cannot buy graphic novels and actively collecting comic books…argh. Would drive me batty. )
I love this thread. I just downloaded a bunch of the ones that Starfevre bookmarked, and now I’m looking for a few Dark Knight – Bane fics… Poor John Blake -it never ends so well for him… :P
I thought this one was sweet: Talia and Bane’s relationship – non-sexual.
And then this one falls into the poor John Blake category:
I’m still working out how to best manage my fic, but for anything from Ao3/ I immediately send to Kindle. Then I read it and add to the proper collections if I like it, and also add it to one called “FF-update bookmark” if I enjoyed it. Then I know to go back and add it to Pinboard so I can search it/rec it whatever. If it has a pretty cover (like the Progress of Sherlock Holmes), I make sure to go back and add that if the story deserves that special touch, and I add it to a special keep me forever shelf. :) Complicated system, but it works so far.
Fics that aren’t immediately added to my kindle go to pinboard, and the process goes in reverse. At the end, fic I like should be in both places. :)
i can see the appeal of john blake for sure. and i’ve considered reading a few (but i’m too Avengered out to do anything else at the moment). i’ll save the few you recommended in my “mark for later” pile and i’m sure i’ll get to them eventually!
(and omg if The Progress of Sherlock Holmes isn’t still a very very very favorite of mine.) (i plan to not read it for a longtime and try to forget it so that i can then finally read it again and it will feel like the first time.)
Yeah dude. That is my ultmate favourite atm. I saved it, and then used this as my book cover: It’s backed up in a few places. I’m also planning to wait before I go through it again.
hi, it’s been 19 days since we talked.
i just spent a lot of time updating all my tea notes. it took me until today to realize that updated notes don’t move to the top of the dashboard anymore. not complaining. just shows you that i’ve been neglecting steepster because i’ve been reading mucho fic instead.
if we were all US peeps i would give you all my cell number and then text you randomly and annoyingly with up to the minute statuses of what i’m reading.
“in this fic Steve Rogers in decorating his apartment very carefully”
“in this fic Natasha has a potted plant garden and is wearing pajamas”
“in this fic everyone is watching Blade Runner and sharing candy”
“in this story Sherlock is texting JW slutty messages”
“in this fic Thorin is still not talking very much but when he does it is very important”
i have an old friend that just recently started reading fic again and i’m so thrilled to have a real life person to talk about stories to other than just my sister, even if her fandom is different than mine at the moment.
so ya, just wanted to say HI WHAT’S UP!
Aaaaargh! I want those messages – I want those fics! :P
How about a public twitter account that we could all flock behind?
I was wondering why I hadn’t seen your notes recently – that’s too bad they no longer pop to the top!
I am US based and willing to exchange fic-related text messages.
Right now’s fic contains this phrase that I love very much “I would prefer to be stuck in a wet sack with Dr. Doom and half a dozen angry honey badgers than deal with Stark in full on caffeine withdrawal”
US based here too, but something kinda like Twitter would work out best for me, (Very limited text on my phone.)
i barely use twitter but hopefully this will teach me to love the tweet!
i just made a list called ‘Steepster Fan Fic Tweets!’ and you can all pm me your twitternames if you use it and i’ll add you and we can see how it goes!
is a ‘list’ the best or right option here? i don’t even know what twitter lists are haha!
experiment phase one commence!
i made the twitter list private though? is that how this works?
if someone more experienced wants to start it i’ll happily delete it and let you go go go :)
i’m game for whatevs!
let’s try all the options!
also gchat is cool for me as option c?
I think a list is just a way to sort your tweets so you can see the people on it with just one click, instead of scrolling through your feed. So anything we discuss on there would be viewable by anyone else who followed us too.
I have the same twitter name as I have here, and I can add you guys if you want to do that, although if you’re following me I gotta warn you that it might not be that exciting most of the time. :P I use twitter to chat with a few of my friends about life and some geeky things.
I’m also at dreamwidth if anyone has fandom related journals there and wants to swap ID’s. (I have a diff one there that I’m trying to distance from this name so I can freely talk about what I like!)
i added you in twitter!
Awesome. If anyone else here wants to add me on twitter, just send me a PM if your username is different so I know who’s requesting and I can approve the follow. :)
I just ‘followed’ you, my nick name is Shaaodri__Flame on twitter. Anyone else can follow me, though to warn everyone….while I keep most of my posts here pretty clean….not so much on Twitter. I also don’t actively twitter much because the limited posts annoy me, I just mentioned it because I know A LOT of people are on Twitter.
I don’t think I got this one from here, but maybe I did because it’s awesome and the recs I steal from here are too.
Anyway, here’s a Sherlock/HarryPotter crossover that’s pretty great so far:
Sometimes, only sometimes, when Sherlock is very far away and absolutely guaranteed not to return for at least three hours, John sits on the sofa and lets the tea make itself.
In which John is (reluctantly) a wizard, Mycroft is (apparently) omniscient, and Sherlock is (surprisingly) oblivious.
I have never read any unpublished fan fiction or had any interest in it (sorry! Not trying to blaspheme!) but that is a wonderful summary. I’m so taken by Sherlock stories. Yay!
Uniquity – As opposed to published fan fiction? Lol.
Cavo – shakes fist at you That fic made me stay up until nearly two in the morning reading it. Astounding considering I’m not usually a fan of crossover fics of any series. Lol. It’s pretty awesome and wonderfully written.
I’d highly recommend this fic if you’re at all a fan of Philip Pullman’s ‘His Dark Materials’ series. It’s an excellent crossover. Sadly it’s an incomplete fic, though I’m hoping the author is just waiting until the 3rd Sherlock series comes out to write more. –
I figured I’d say unpublished in case people argued that things like 50 shades of grey started as fanfiction. I’ve also read some published novels that base themselves off existing stories (like Sherlock) which I would think makes it fanfic even though it got published. Maybe.
my sister always says, that ANYthing you think you hate (bonding, genderswap, kidfic, AUs, etc) can be done well by the right person/artist/author. and she keeps proving me right. though i tread very lightly. it’s ripe for failure and grimaces that’s for sure hah.
so if this fic kept Shadowfall up till 2am i bet this is a great example of a crossover.
can’t wait!
(i’ll always remember my first AU. it was the Bilbo/Thorin Mafia College fic of course! heehee)
i just sent myself all 3 parts.
my weekend is toast.
Uniquity – you’re saying you haven’t read any fanfic? (except published?) It’s really fun, and there’s something for everyone. I can’t believe I didn’t get hooked sooner, but I thought fanfic was just porn fic – not that that isn’t fun, but I like the range out there.
Shadowfall- DOWNLOADED IT! And I’m happy you liked that rec. I just finished the 3rd part this morning. < 3 And I subscribed in case more parts ever appear.
Shmiracles – I can see what your sister means. I’ve read things that were squicky but ok because of how they were written. But hearing someone talk about them made me grimace before I tried it. :P I still haven’t read any mpreg aside from one where Loki already had a kid and I just don’t know if that’s my thing or not. But it’s ok to have limits too!
Whoops. I broke my last post because I tried to add a heart. Silly Steepster.
i never really thought of this but is it even called fan fic if it’s published? i mean. in my brain it doesn’t count. only cuz fan free for all fic is all i know i guess. so published fic is just, idk, something else in my mind.
for me the beauty of fan fic is it’s unbridled freedom. like punk rock. the do-it-in-the-basement-of-the-house-out-of-tune-and-with-instruments-held-together-with-duct-tape-cuz-it’s-what-you-love punk rock. and it’s so huge! it’s for everyone! it’s free and it’s for everyone and no one can tell it what to do or be.
speaking of NON-porn fic/Gen fic,
this week i read this fic in which Sherlock plants seeds and eats food and i lol’ed and flailed a few times YAY!
Seeds by thesardine
speaking of subscribing, how many people do you subscribe to in AO3?
Awesome. I just went to it on my phone, downloaded it to my dropbox folder and automatically transferred it to my Kindle.
GAWD, there are not enough words to describe how much I love tech.
Shmiracles – I dunno about something you think you hate just needs the right writer. I mean, true that anything can be done well, but if you don’t like it to begin with, there’s nothing going to change that. For me at least. Lol.
Cavo – Lol. That’s pretty nifty.
Here’s an AU Sherlock that’s pretty good to. Complete, though it’s only got two chapters. (wish it had more) Lol.
Sweet. DL’ing that one too.
oh, and I don’t subscribe to too many on AO3 (maybe 5-10?), but I’m certain that will change as I use it more. I just sub authors if I’m particularly happy with a work I read so I can maybe get more in the future!
Shadowfall – I’m loving that HDM fic. It would consume my weekend if other things (life) didn’t keep interrupting.
Lol. I know the feeling. XD Glad you’re enjoying it.
Have you seen this fanart? I want to resize it and make it a cover for the ebook!
Also, I just realized that this immensely long and amazing book is only the first in the series! :O What am I going to do now? this guy’s written quite a few long selfinsert X-Overs. Great ones too. Highly recommended
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