The box from the lovely BBBB has arrived! As I just woke up from a nap so I won’t be getting to sleep early tonight anyway, I think have to try one of the black teas. But which one?!?!
My Teavivre oolongs tried to arrive, but I’ll have to go pick them up at the post office tomorrow! :)
YAAAY! I received my swap from Dinosara Just hope she’s as excited and delighted when mine gets to her :)
My very generous sample of Jade oolong from Little Red Cup came in, about try try a pot right now :)
Super Surprise Samples in my mailbox from Roswell Strange!!!
I’ve been good. I haven’t ordered anything since the middle of September, all my current orders are in. I’m not expecting any swaps, trying to reduce the amount of tea I have, and I get tea in the mail….
I’m actually pretty excited about this though. I made a donation to the Justea campaign, and they sent me a couple of samples as a thank you, and a share one with a friend to promote the effort.
If you haven’t looked at it, it’s worth checking out. They are trying to teach Kenyan tea farmers to process their own tea so that they can buy direct from the farmers ensuring that they are getting fair prices for their tea. I personally think it’s a great cause. If you are interested you can check it out at They have really good perks and incentives for donating. :))
They sent some samples my way, and i quite enjoyed them so i’m just trying to decide what level to pledge heh
I like the cup, so I got the tin of Kenya Black and the hand crafted cup. I’ve seen review and people seem to like the tea. I think it’s a great cause.
Received my samples from Yezi tea in the mail, woot woot!
Swap from Sil… soooo many teas! My cupboard has exploded.
Yay! Oh so glad it made it safely….I hate the stress of waiting for things to arrive at other people’s places lol
Haha more tea! I got a couple samples of Japanese black tea from
Oh yeah Dinosara…well i see your samples and raise you a swap package from Dexter3567 haha I can’t even think about looking at how big my cupboard is now since i probably won’t have time between work to add all those teas and see the tally. I just need to sip sip sip so that maybe i’ll drink the equivalent before i have to start adding them heh
LOL! Way to make me feel better about my cupboard.
as long as you’re smiling! we have to keep the 100 gap between us after all…
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