dexter, you definitely deserve all the tea you get, since you genrously offer to share it with the lieks of me!
I dug around hopefully today in my very empty mailbox to see if my own dellaterra or verdant orders had arrived, but that was just me being greedy since I placed those orders like five minutes ago, relatively speaking. And something tells me there are some honeybush/rooibos teas winging their way here, also. maybe. ;)
lol I really have no idea what you ordered, but I’m quite sure there is some rooibos, mate, oolong, and black tea on it’s way to you.
… nothing, because my tea package accidentally got delivered to my parents’ house.
>.< I have no idea why, because every other package I’ve ordered from them has been to my dorm… Oh well, at least I’ll have tea waiting for me when I come for Christmas. =]
Yay, the mailman came through and I got tea in the mail AGAIN today. I got my swap from akgrowngirl – Thank you so much!!!
And I got my order from Camellia Sinensis. My new yixing teapot is really nice. Well packaged order, hand written thank you card, and a free sample. Thumbs up, good mail day.
(I have another couple I’m expecting – maybe Monday will be 5 in a row…?)
Yunnan Sourcing us order just arrived with my first yixing, and of course some more tea, because why not: I think i’ll be using the yixing for ripe puerh.
also, i forgot to post it when it came, but my large order arrived 2 weeks ago, it didn’t have any crazy stampage on it though, here it is: stand outs so far are the classic shui xian and the 2009 feng qing ripe tuos. the thing on the bottom right was totally unlabeled (and a free extra), but I’m pretty sure it’s one of their chrysanthemum shu mini bricks, the smell from it really stunk up the entire box, the other stuff is fine now after airing out a couple weeks, but it was really bad at first, like it’d been shipped in a box of incense or scented candles for 2 months, in the heat of summer no less. Also, these were my first full size cakes, and it was surprising how small they actually are in person considering how much tea is packed into them.
oh god this pasha mountain sheng sample smells heavenly, i think i’ve got the center hole from the cake
The BBB Box arrived from terriharplady today. along with a SMALL verdant order that i placed. However…i foresee my cupboard being up close to 300 again now thanks to the “extras” terri tossed into my box. Imma kill that woman! lol
nooooo i was almost under 200! Now i’m staring at mountains of tea on my dining room table…with plans to be stealing more from Kittenna tomorrow as well lol fml. talk about first world problems lol
Send her something back… :) perhaps twice as much samples … :)
Ha ha. Well at least they’re probably mostly only a cup or two each. I found myself with an insane amount of each tea and like 300 of them. The purge felt good. Now I will only buy small amounts of each tea. Crazy how much I used to buy of one flavor of tea, even before trying it! Ugh. Live and learn.
Zeks… oh she will be getting a box all for herself back…plus whatever i put into our BBB box for the group lol
TB – sad part is, my cupboard IS purged…and i have only been buying .5oz or 1oz things lately… only thing that might save me is that i’m putting together a sample box of black for omgsrsly’s brother and for genushumanusalice down under.
Boxermama is getting a brand new box all to herself with things from the BBB box and our shared orders lol
i think i may need to take out a hit on terri…i went from 205 to 273….
It seems like forever ago that I received a tea package in the mail.. Ha ha. I received a sweet and generous package from Stephanie as a thank you for our recent swap. Love the steepster community. I’m feeling a lot more at home :) anyways.. It was full of matchas!!! Yay I can’t wait!!!!! Caramel matchachino I’m coming for you!!!
That arrived FAST! Hope you enjoy :) :) :)
I know I was soooo surprised! I loved it!
Not exactly post-
David’s Tea-
Mom’s Apple Pie
Pistachio Cream
I got a wonderful swap package from teamore today! Perfect to come home to after a crummy Monday at work! :)
Aww, sorry to hear about the crummy Monday! Tea really is a great way to unwind though…
I got tea AGAIN today!!! Yay!!! My cupboard is exploding, but I like it.
I got a really nice swap package from Sil. Awesome little extras that I’m really excited about. Thank you so much!!! – yours will be in the mail soon (waiting on one order to come in).
I also got a really nice, sweet, generous, birthday package from Nxtdoor. Thank you!!! I got more Tao Tea Leaf – awesome!!!
I don’t think I can say often enough how much I love this community. The generosity just keeps amazing me….
that’s like a billion days in a row isn’t it? haha
LOL just 5 days in a row, with 3 orders still to come.
Got my tea I won in Teavivre’s Autumn giveaway. Featured Taiwan Oolong tea sampler. Thanks Teavivre, you are awesome!
Congrats, Teavivre is awesome!!
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