Official *What did you get in the mail today?* Thread!!!

10273 Replies
Sil select said

My shared order with terriharplady arrived today from taiwan tea crafts! Some really pretty packaging as far as teas go and i love the hand written note AND the fact they added another sample to the package and made sure it was a black tea as that was all we ordered heh

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TeaLady441 said

Woo! My first Verdant order came in! – This is what $50 of tea looks like, and I’m so excited to try all of it!

I think the red package is the Anxi Fo Shou sample, by process of elimination.

Also, I think I might have gotten 2 samples? The Golden Fleece and the Five Year Aged Tieguanyin? Thank you! :O I used points to get $10 off, and I’m slowly working my way back up. I have to say that I really appreciate that Verdant offers free shipping to Canada with a minimum order!

Sil select said

you’re right on the anxi fo shou… lesigh

TeaLady441 said

Awww… Hopefully in the fall?

So glad it all arrived safely! :) and yes- you and Sil are absolutely right: the red package is the Anxi Fo Shou Black Tea

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scribbles said

I love getting tea stuff in the mail!! :) and today was a great mail day!!

I got an order from Verdant compliments of JustJames, as well as a swap from Short Sorceress…thank you both for you generosity!!

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Tealizzy said

I got my Harney & Sons order yesterday! New adorable cherry blossom teapot and cups, and 5 tea samples (4 oolongs and Soho). Turns out the teapot even has one of those built in strainers at the outlet…nice!! :D

TeaLady441 said

Oooh! Exciting! That teapot is so cute. :)

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TeaLady441 said

I just received my first Harney&Sons order! I was a little nervous because people said that shipping to Canada was terrible, but aside from the $15 shipping fee, there were no problems. (Thankfully I ordered when it was 15% off, so in my head I can pretend it was only $10 for shipping). I received my receipt immediately, and the next day I was emailed the tracking info from UPS. It took a little over a week, but arrived exactly when it said it would.

Here it is:

I’m looking forward to trying all of these!

Rie said

…Wow, looks so shiny and golden. * -*

Lilysmom said

Looks nice! I have a feeling H&S is going to be my favorite tea place. I got the ship notice and my credit card was charged today, so I should get the order sometime next week I guess. Can’t wait……what have you tried? What do you love?

TeaLady441 said

I’ve had Florence, Vanilla Comoro and Boston. The first two are AMAZING, but Boston is really good too.

I had a sample of Paris and wasn’t wowed by it, but it was a pass me down sample and maybe it was old/contaminated.

I have a feeling they may be one of my favourites too. I feel like I’m starting to replace Zen Tea, Davids Tea and Della Terr with Verdant, Butiki and Harney & Sons. Not completely though!

Lilysmom said

Oh yum….I can’t remember which samples I ordered……Vanilla for sure… i think…..i dont like bergamot so passed on paris…..I got the H&S spicy cinnamon at Williams Sonoma today…..smells strong! will try it tomorrow morning. I am going to have to hit chapters again for more raspberry iced until my order arrives……I think I want to try Butiki next……or more H &S….or… many lovely teas out there! ..

TeaLady441 said

Oooh, that’s tricky! If you haven’t had Butiki I would recommend it highly! If I wasn’t swap-fatigued I’d send you some samples. But maybe you can trade for some to see what you might like!

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Lala said

Just got my HUGE Nina’s Paris order today. Super excited! But now I need to go on hiatus because I have way too much tea, with more orders coming. Let the tea drinking begin!!

Sil select said

so jealous! haha

Tealizzy said

That’s awesome!!

Lala said

Sil – after I opened the order I thought, my cupboard is approaching Sil’s cupboard at lightening speed. He he.

Sil select said

Hey I’m almost down to 200!

Lala said

Well after a few more orders currently in transit, I will be close to 200! Ha ha. Hangs head in shame and shuffles over to the tea buying hiatus group.

But congratulations on all your sipdowns!!

Sil select said

Well my sipdowns are for selfish reasons….I want an excuse to be able to be able to birthday orders in July…which of course will bump me back up to 300 knowing me….

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Nxtdoor said

Ermagad!! I got my Fusion tea order. Finally. I say that not because it took long — although I’m sure we all want our tea yesterday — but because it feels like I waited forever for this deliciousness. And just in time for the weekend. Wooo!

Sil select said

I just keep telling myself….2 more weeks…..2 more weeks…

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Uniquity said

My Butiki order – yay! Only five business days delivery to Canada. Way to go USPS and mucho gratitude to Stacy for the bonus samples!! I can’t wait to curl up with some tea!

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KallieBoo! said

Received my HUGE order from Adagio. I got two of the Fathers Day teas free. I’m so excited :)

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Chizakura said

Butiki order! :D

1.5oz Mi Xian Black
4oz Premium Taiwanese Assam
2oz Premium Taiwanese Assam Upgrade
1oz Citrus Dream
1oz Foxy Roxy Banana Walnut Treat

Also got 1oz of Gui Fei Oolong which I’m trying for the first time. :)

Also got samples of:
With Open Eyes
Oriental Beauty
Anxi Tie Guan Yin
2003 Reserve Oolong
1991 Da Ye Aged Oolong

And for a co-worker I picked up an ounce of Ruby Pie :)

I was torn between which aged oolong I wanted to try, so I asked her to surprise me. And she did; with both! Thankyou very much Stacy! :D Excited to compare them both!

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