Official *What did you get in the mail today?* Thread!!!

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Sil select said

My swap from Scheherazade arrived! Yay for new teas and tes…I am really not going to make it to catching up to dinosara but ill still try….if my taste buds cooperate…stupid sick.

Dinosara said

Haha sorry. But yay for new teas!

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Tealet monthly order

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Fiddling said

Recently, I received swaps from yssah and Marcel Duchamp. My ginormous Harney & Sons order also came in:


Fiddling said

That’s what happens when you combine 15% off and gift cards! Luckily, I have plenty of help to drink through it all. :)

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My Bluebird Tea Co order finally came!

I also got my swap from Rachel Sincere, woooot!

My mail guy was like “sigh. Yet another tea package for you. Hold on, another package for you too. Tea?”

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Emily M said

My Butiki order is here! YAY! So excited to try these teas! =)

Yay, glad everything arrived safely! :)

Emily M said

Me too! Gonna be trying a bunch out a little later when I have time to savor them. =)

nice! :)

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Got my Adagio order.

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Tealizzy said

I got my first ever marshmallow treat genmaicha from 52teas…about to drink some.

I also got my order from Butiki!!! Stacy included 4 samples! Thank you, Stacy!! The box smelled like the 4 oz. of maple pecan oolong I bought! Haha! I did a little happy dance when I opened it!!

I think I have way too much tea now….better try to drink up some of this!!! :)

You’re welcome! :) Mmmm, Maple Pecan Oolong smell. If only I could make it into a perfume.

Oh Stacy, I would totally buy that perfume. Heck yeah!

I hope my marshmallow treat genmaicha is waiting for me when I get home from work too, Tealizzy! :D

Tealizzy said

Stacy – I’d buy that perfume too!!! Yum!!

Ha! I got 4oz of that in the mail today too and it smelled soooooooo wonderful!

Tealizzy said

Nice TastyBrew!!

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Got my two packages of plain teabags from DavidsTEA. Very exciting! At least it came with some samples. I’m trying to remember what they were. Copabanana was one, and then there was a black one and a green one. Pretty specific, eh?

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Kaylee said

A wealth of tea today! Swap (which was really a giveaway) from TastyBrew – adagio yerba mate, pu erh poe, white cucumber, and white peach. Thank you TastyBrew! Also a green tea sampler from Den’s Tea. Also an order of Extra Sleepy Bear from New Mexico Tea Company, with a sample of Starlight Sleep. AND my partner just got back from Taiwan and brought me some Gyokuro tea in very pretty tins.

Life is good.

I love those days when the mail is more tea than mail :-)

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Fun mail day! I got my order from Butiki that had 2 huge bags (Caramel Vanilla Assam & Maple Oolong) and a variety of smaller bags. Yum!! The aroma in my mailbox was to die for.

Also got my order from 52teas with s’mores & marshmallow genmaicha and a pouch I don’t remember ordering (but looks like I paid for), the caramel apple oolong. Bonus!

Tealizzy said

Jealous!! Except I got stuff too! ;)

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