Official *What did you get in the mail today?* Thread!!!
This doesn’t qualify as getting it in the mail, but I went to my local Teavana to see what they would have on sale. They didn’t have that much on sale but I did get a white tea, and a glass perfect tea maker on sale for 50% off. Bought a nice tea tumbler that was not on sale, about $35.
I’ve got a couple of black tea from a sale. Lapsang and Assam from The Tea Makers of London.
Yesterday I got a medium sized order from Crimson Lotus Tea, a small order from Teavana and a large order from Chawangshop, a lot of cups for my endeavors into tea photography and a good amount of tea mostly ripe puerh.
Today I got the rest of my order from Moylor Tea Co and my White2Tea subscription box.
My White2Tea order is supposedly here. USPS tracking page claimed that they tried to deliver but was blocked (which is bs). That’s fine. Tracking page said it will deliver the next business day.
It is now two days later, and I’m still waiting!!! DAMN IT… I want to rob the USPS to get my package ;(
Can you tell I’m going crazy? :(
The tracking page doesn’t say it’s an option… (and I’m not sure which USPS it is). The tracking page shows the status as “alert,” and says “We attempted to deliver your item at 11:56 am on December 5, 2017 in LOCATION but could not complete the delivery because the employee did not have access to the delivery location. Your item will go out for delivery on the next business day.”
LIARS! ;( I’ve been waiting ;(
It is always an option to pick up a package. You just have to call your local post office and arrange it. Don’t call the 800 number they won’t be of any use.
Thanks to you I got my package today!!!
My package was still sitting in the post office with no signs of going to be delivered… good thing I went lol
I figured you could get it. I have had to pick up a lot of packages. When ever I am not home for a signature they hold the mail. They dono’t normally redeliver. Also you should know that if you wait too long to pick up your package they will send it back to China.
Ugh… Good thing I asked then… I probably would’ve waited since the tracking page said they would attempt to redeliver the next business day…
Anyway, now I have all the teas and everything is awesome <3
I got both my August Uncommon and my Citizen Tea orders today.
Yesterday I got my White2Tea order from black Friday, a small order of three ripe teas.
Today I got my Yunnan Sourcing order in the mail, but this was not just any order but the ripe tea lover’s dream. Five premium Hai Lang Hao bricks including a ripe Lao Ban Zhang brick. 99 times out of 100 s ripe Lao Ban Zhang is a fake, but not when it is made by Hai Lang Hao and sold by Yunnan Sourcing.—/?taken-by=allanckeanepuerhtea—/?taken-by=allanckeanepuerhtea
Trying to post this link again to see if it works this time.
This link worked. Follow the link and go about six posts down you will see the photos.
Today I got a surprise package in the mail from Moylor tea. They had offered to send me some tea and I thought they meant samples, but they sent two whole bricks one 250g, one 500g. I don’t yet know if they are raw or ripe teas.
I found out the teas are Caicheng brand shou puerh. This tea company knows how to make a good first impression.
If your order was the size of your “normal” orders it makes perfect sense that they would send you freebies :-) But I agree that they are nice to deal with.
My first order with them was not huge price wise, only $250. But I did help spread the word about their website and maybe they were thanking me for that.
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