Official *What did you get in the mail today?* Thread!!!
The order from Teaboxarrived the other day and today I received Makaibari first flush Darjeeling tea from Vahdam Tea. I am also expecting Makaibari from Silver Tips tea aswel
Today I received an order from Yunnan Sourcing, mostly teaware but also two small ripe bings and some Chrysanthemum tea. I also received some puerh samples in the mail.
My xisha wendan pot from Tealifehk, everyday high roast oolong, high quality high roast oolong and aged ripe puerh.
Also samples from fong mong, and well this isnt by mail a bunch of samples from the world tea expo
Im going to drown in tea!
A couple of days ago I got my order from Yunnan Sourcing – 50g of Spring 2017 Purple Needle Black Tea from Jing Mai Mountain, 2 dragon eye (?) cups and 1 gold leaf cup!
Technically I did not get this in the mail, but I went to Puerh Brooklyn to go to Global Tea Hut events with WuDe and made some purchases.
I received my 52 Teas order today:
The Dragon, Briar Patch, Cucumber Mint Limeade, Lemon Cheesecake Bar Blend v.2, Hot Buttered Spiced Rum, Mango Blueberry Crumble, Peach Cheesecake, Pancake Breakfast, Snickerdoodle, The Unicorn
Today I got a big order from Puerhshop, a good sized order from Chawangshop, and a small order from Tea Ave with a free piece of teaware.
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