Official *What did you get in the mail today?* Thread!!!
I just got Fair lady Jig Mai Tea flowers, Alter Ego Huang Pian and a sample of whatever 95 from Bitter Leaf tea! I’ve never had tea flowers before but am stoked to have a caffeine free/lo for night drinking.
Last year I got the WMD sample from them and loved it, but was slow to act buying a cake so I missed out. I’ve never had Huang Pian before but am excited that it’s from the same “batch” material as WMD. plus I’ve been learning about Huang Pian in prep for it’s arrival. Learning!
Then the 95 Whatever. The oldest tea I’ve ever had as 10 years from White2tea. I’m excited to have a tea that’s almost 20years old!!!!
I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on the tea flower cake, I’ve been considering picking one up. You should post a review on steepster, I think there was only 1 up when I looked.
I got my order from klasek tea today, Korean green and yellow tea and absolutely gorgeous chawan by Czech potter Jan Pávek! It was wood fired in anagama kiln.
I got my Yixing from Taiwan tea crafts and samples of about 10 different tea’s. Im working on seasoning the pot now and plan to start tasting the tea soon!
Got my selection of Naka sheng tea from Liquid Proust, thanks.
Austrian Orange
Brambleberry Rain
Royal Irish
Creme de Menthe
Mandarin Spice
Some YQH, some XZH samples and a cake of Lingya!
Today I got a small order from Dragon Tea House, two gaiwans and a 500g bag of loose ripe puerh that is supposed to be 90s era royal grade.
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