Official *What did you get in the mail today?* Thread!!!

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AllanK said 8 years ago

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AllanK said 8 years ago

Yesterday I got packages from EBay seller Vin_enjoy, a ripe cake, and an order from Davids Tea, a bunch of stuff.

mrmopar said 8 years ago

Which Dayi cake is that one?

AllanK said 8 years ago

2015 Chen Xiang Ya Yun Ripe

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AllanK said 8 years ago

Today I got an order from Whispering Pines Tea, a tong of 2012 Huron Gold Needle and a tong of 2015 Lord of the Lakes.

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AllanK said 8 years ago

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AllanK said 8 years ago

In the past several days I got an order of ancient tree ripe tea from, an order of ripe tea, raw tea, black tea, and white tea from Yunnan Sourcing, and my copy of Global Tea Hut.

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LuckyMe said 8 years ago

Verdant order arrived yesterday. Autumn laoshan green teas, mi lan xiang, and yunnan white jasmine tea.

The dan cong was insanely good. I wasn’t expecting that since their oolongs have been hit or miss for me in the past.

As usual their green teas were outstanding. I’ve yet to had a bad green tea from Verdant.

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Sil select said 8 years ago

Lovely care package from dexter Just the perfect day for a little bit of joy from the universe.

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AllanK said 8 years ago
Zack S. said 8 years ago

Allan, I am sure I’d be quite jealous of your collection over the years! I bet you have enough tea to fill an entire small room from floor to ceiling. Do you ever think you will get around to drinking it all? Also wondering, how many cups a day do you brew?

AllanK said 8 years ago

Ironically, I do not get to drink as much of my tea as I would like because I have a serious case of insomnia. I have to stop drinking tea early. And no I do not think I will ever drink it all. But I will make the attempt.

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AllanK said 8 years ago

Yesterday I got some teamail, 50g of black tea that had been left out of a Yunnan Sourcing USA package, and the replacement for the broken piece to my charcoal stove for tea arrived from Chawangshop.

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AllanK said 8 years ago

Really I got this order last week but just now got around to opening it. It consists of a ripe tong of 2016 7572, a ripe tong of 2016 0532, and quite a few bricks of Xinghai Grade 7 bricks. This was a particularly good but inexpensive brick. I am speculating that the Dayi will go up in value as well as the Xinghai bricks.

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