Official *What did you get in the mail today?* Thread!!!

10273 Replies
Rasseru said

YS tea club. lots of puerh! Including the same sheng as last month, usually I might grumble but its such a nice one Im happy to have some more to drink

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In case that one word doesn’t resonate with you right away; this is the feeling of no boxes in the mail for a tea addict :P

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OMGsrsly said

New teaware! WOO!! All the crackly blue stuff. :)

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ekm0924 said

My first post on this thread! I got a bunch of samples from Upton, including their Assam sampler. Can’t wait to try everything.

Love Upton! I want to get their Darjeeling samplers one of these days.

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AllanK said

Since the last time I had a chance to post here I got a Yixing Teapot in the mail from EBay, a package of free samples from Misty Peaks, and an order from White2Tea consisting of a gaiwan that was left out of my Black Friday order and soome puer that I added to it along with some Black Tea.

Ubacat said

That teapot is really different.

AllanK said

I took a chance on an auction but the pot turned out to be nice. The same seller also has some very expensive pots.

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hawkband1 said

I got my first gaiwan, a travel gong fu set, and a strainer from Crimson Lotus Tea on Monday. I’ve used the gaiwan already and am very happy with my purchase.

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AllanK said
Ubacat said

Nice teaware. I love the one with the gold fish.

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I received some bills today and a postcard

aaaaaaaaaand nobody is impressed

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Oneironaut said

I received my first New Mexico Tea Company order with 1oz each of Chamomile, Darjeeling 1st Flush, Lapsang Souchong, and Pai Mu Tan white tea. I’ve been trying to find more US-based vendors for when I don’t want to wait a month for a shipment from the other side of the planet, so this is a trial order for NMTea and hopefully I’ll be ordering from them more in the future.

From GoodTeaLeaf I received half an ounce each of Silver Tips White Tea and Everest First Flush Black Tea, both products of Nepali Tea Traders.

On top of tea, I also ordered a used Kindle off of ebay earlier this week and that arrived today, so this ended up being a good day for mail.

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Kim said

I got Japanese Kanaya Midori White Tea. I loved it so much, I went poking around Tealyra’s website and ended up placing a huge order that includes another Japanese white tea. I can’t wait!

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