Official *What did you get in the mail today?* Thread!!!
Today I got my order from Dammann Freres.
I got my Dragon Tea House order today. Yay Moonlight cake. :)
I got my order from Crimson Lotus Tea today! I have been looking for the clay pot for shou for months, and their jianshui pots were perfect. I am amazed that I was able to get it so quickly, I thought it was on the slow boat from China!
Pictures forthcoming!
I’m glad I waited for better lighting!
its here ! My turn Sheng/Shou TTB. let me tell you i knew its huge, but i didnt expect that many samples. Awesome. thanks for the note Stacy, so cute !
it has extension underneath. it becomes huge , easily 20 ppl. its getting nice patina from all my gongfu sessions spills and messy pours lol
My Jian Shui teapots from Crimson Lotus arrived! Pics on Instagram! So excited to have my first clay pots ever! Now, to figure out which teas to use! I’m thinking sheng in the red one, but I’m not sure what to put in the black one…shou would be a good fit, but I haven’t decided whether I’m dedicated to shou yet. ;)
Weeeh! New teapots! =D
Personally I like to let the pots do the choosing, not all teas and clays work well together, I usually do test brews side by side with a glazed vessel first until I find something that works well in a particular pot.
New teaware days are such joyful days, I hope you’ll enjoy your new pots! =D
I received my first order from Lupicia in the mail today. It was a relatively small order, but I’m glad to have Napa Blanc tea again. I also bought the Marron Chocolate tea. I sampled both through different tea exchanges, so now I have it available to send to other people too.
I got some Whispering Pines Tea today :)
Willow and High Mountain Xinyang Maojian
Today I got my order from Berylleb King Tea consisting of two ripe teas, one raw Mengsong Tuocha, and a nice little gaiwan.
Are you following Allan on Instagram? I think it’s set to private and only his followers can see.
My Persimmon Tree order came today :) I think I may have gotten way too much tea XD
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