Official *What did you get in the mail today?* Thread!!!
Yesterday I received my copy of Global Tea Hut and made a local purchase at David’s Tea. Today I received my order from Yunnan Sourcing, four sheng cakes and a black tea.
Last night my friend gave me a tea he brought back for me from his recent trip from Taiwan. Today I went to the PO to rescue my GoldenTeaTips subscription box for March.
Happy to receive my Whispering Pines order Pine Peak Keemun, Second Breakfast, & Golden Snail. Cannot wait to place another as well if they get golden orchid, ambrosia, or cocoa amore back in stock! :P
Today the second half of a Berylleb King Tea order arrived.
My 3LeafTea order came, at the speed of light! (Seriously, I placed the order not more than 3 days ago!) Let the hot chocolate and matcha festivities begin!
Got my Verdant order today. Wanted to try the flavoured Laoshan black teas.
The Butiki Herbal TTB arrived on Thursday, and my Zhentea order got here a few days ago!
Today I got an order from Streetshop88, mostly ripe puerh tea, but also one raw.
I got my flavored floral greens from Dammann Freres yesterday! One is so strong that it’s all I can smell in the office- like green apple skittles!
Fantastic Mail Day!!!!
Mandala order!!!! So excited to get a breaking tray and the tea is always amazing…
and I got our first YS club box – I’m splitting it with OMGsrsly. We ordered the pu’erh club!!
Yes – breaking tray was still in the box. I bought this one…
Will post pictures tonight when I get home. :)
Sorry, that wasn’t clear. I did catch on that it was in the box, hehe. I just wanted to see it out of the box! :)
As requested – photo of the breaking tray.:)
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