My Tippy’s Teaser pack came today! I couldn’t decide which teas to get, so I got them all :P
Also my Zen Tea order came yesterday. They had a few sample sizes for free (!!!) so I ended up getting them all as well as a ceramic caddy for my Golden Orchid :D
The 5 teas from Zen Tea ended up totaling $0.50 for 100g. Not bad.
Nice-which teas from Zen Tea?
Lavender nirvana, (a rooibos) Assam Numalighur OP, Yerba mate, Ceylon Kenilworth OP, Margaret’s Hope darjeeling TGFOP1 (which I am most interested in :D)
I got my Yunnan Sourcing monthly pu-package and a Teavivre order with my new black tea obsession the Nonpareil Yunnan Dian Hong Ancient Tree, which I am very happy to have a lot of now.
That’s a really great tea from Teavivre! Enjoy!
Today I received a gift of tea from Nicholas at Misty Peak Teas. It was a small sample of one of their teas, I presume the 2014 Autumn loose leaf sheng but it might have been the cake. The note didn’t say which it was.
Today I got a lovely card and 7 (!) generous samples of holiday teas from my friend, Naylynn! Everything looks so yummy! Thanks, NayLynn (and my buddy Brandon)! Don’t forget Doctor Who Christmas Special tomorrow. And lots of DW the next couple days!
I’m going to cry! My first yixing!!!
There was a small cake too but omg teapot!!! <3 X 1,000,000,000
OMG, what a gift! Tea fiends are the best people.
Also, this pic Dying!
Cookies I got that Santa hat/beard thing after Christmas last year on clearance for 50 cents. Great investment right? Hahaha :)
It looks exactly my first O_O
I came home from lunch with a friend to a whole stack of packages on the porch. I got two presents from wonderful tea friends and my golden tips subscription. It was a good tea day.
In what is surely the quickest I’ve ever received a package from China, I got a baby moonlight white cake in the mail today.
Came home from Boxing Day shopping at DavidsTea to find Butiki in my mailbox! Yay!
I got my two free samples from Tealated. They came with a 10% off coupon and a super sweet thank you note handwritten by the owner. I haven’t had a chance to try the teas yet, but I sure am impressed with the customer service!
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