Today I got my order from Whispering Pines Tea in the mail. It was a small order that took a long time to be processed.
My Octavia Tea order arrived while I was at work (as well as a XMas card from Tre’s Grandma!?) with bonus samples! Stoked to try those teas out!
Premium Tan Yang Gongfu and Raw Puerh Mini Tuochas ( Happily they are dated the same as my sample. I was unsure that they would be of the same year based on the product description)
i got my White 2 tea CM order last night
Ahhh! My CM Whispering Pines order came today! Brendan is so kind, I accidentally ordered double the amount of silver snail, not only did he let me keep the extra ounce, but he refunded my account regardless! GOLDEN ORCHID COME TO MEEE.
My Whispering Pines order is here! I’ve been out of North Winds for a couple of weeks now which is waaaay to long for me. Happy to have it (along with Golden Snail, Second Breakfast, and the Ontario Shou Pu-erh) in my cupboard!
I got the Teeny Tiny TTB Round 2! :)
I got the Cooking TTB today. Anlina is a master packer…there is SO MUCH tea here!!! :D
Today I got my Cyber Monday order from Yunnan Sourcing in the mail. It included four ripe teas and puerh samples, including samples of Lao Ban Zhang tea.
I got my Tiesta Tea order today! Which means that of my Black Friday orders only Art of Tea has yet to be delivered, and funnily enough the Art of Tea offices are twenty minutes from where I live. Sheesh.
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