Official *What did you get in the mail today?* Thread!!!

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Hillel said

Well, bad news and good news on this first of November. The bad news is that some %$#(*! hooligan put a rock through the back windshield of my car last night as a bit of Halloween merriment. It’s raining here and I have to wait until Monday to get it fixed. The good news is that my Mandala order showed up. I’m really looking forward to tasting:
Huo Shan Huang Ya yellow buds (I’m just loving all of the yellow tea I’ve had recently)
2013 Dehong Mao Cha
2013 Daxue Five Century Raw Pu’er 200g cake
Morning Sun Black
White Night
I also got a pu’er pick and Garret was kind enough to include samples of 2014 Temple Stairs mini-tuochas and 2014 Jing Mai Shan Wild.

Rainy cold day here in Boston, broken windshield, and new tea. I guess it all balances out.

Tealizzy said

Wow, that sucks. At least the tea sort of softens the blow, but I would be really upset.

SarsyPie said

So sorry to hear about your car window. What a shame. The worst we ever did as kids on Halloween was knock on doors and run away after trick or treating was over!!

On a positive note, so happy you snagged some Daxue! It’s a really super tea. Please allow me to suggest that you brew some up and get a little tea drunk! Maybe it will make you feel better :)

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carol who said

I received a lovely swap from KatBender. Full of all sort os yummy looking teas. I don’t think I’ve had any of them before.

I’m particularly excited to try the Chocolate & Strawberry Puer. This comes in a sachet. Can expect it to be resteepable?

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AllanK said

Today my orders from Berylleb King Tea, mostly herbals, Chrysanthemum and Tangerine Peel, and my order from Mandala, mostly puerh arrived. My samples from Wize Monkey were also in my box, I don’t know when they were delivered.

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Tealizzy said

My Mandala order arrived! So quick!!! I was stalking the tracking and was upset that it said out for delivery and didn’t come before we had to leave today, but it was on the porch when I got back! Temple Stairs mini tuocha is on the menu tonight! :D


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CherryJam said

Ok this wasn’t a mail order but it’s my first bulk lot of tea samples so just have to share. I was going to place an online order today but I found a specialty tea shop that was having sampling today and not wanting to leave empty handed I purchased 8 Harney & Sons sample sachets:

Paris (which I’m sitting here inhaling the scent, mmm)
Dragon pearl jasmine
White vanilla grapefruit
Organic Bangkok
Pomegranate oolong
Rooibos chai
Organic green tea with mint

I hope you end up loving them all! I like Harney & Sons quite a bit but have only tried a couple of these. I’ve found that Paris is good both hot and cold and that I only like Caribe cold.

Inkling said

I just tried Caribe a week or so ago…it’s yummy!!!

CherryJam said

I have now tried them all except Rooibos chai. Favourite are Paris and Caribe. Bought a tin of Paris, it’s divine. Maybe I can go back and get another sample of caribe and try it cold!

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I got my swap package from TeaBrat today. It was sorely needed too since this has been a not-very-awesome week. AND it rained off and on today. So, new tea to try is perfect :)

Sorry it was a bad week.

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scribbles said

Canada Post delivering on Sunday evening??!! Lucky for me – I just got my Verdant pre-order stuff!

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Inkling said

I got my samples from Wize Monkey this weekend and also picked up a black tea sampler from Indigo Tea Company. Looking forward to trying it all out this week!

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I’m late. Actually on Friday I received two packages! One from the Cookie Lady and another from Marzipan! They were both generous to send samples to a newbie! It was a very busy weekend and I didn’t get to try to much. I did try the Marquis de Gris from River Teas- I did not know my life was incomplete without this one! I ordered a double order this morning from them!! Thank you ladies!

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Dexter said

Anxiously watching the tracking. On Friday it was in the city, so I’m thinking I would get it today. Checked tracking again….and NO!!!! Mail jail. Why is it in mail jail……..?

Sil select said

because canada post is the suck.

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