Official *What did you get in the mail today?* Thread!!!
Happy mail day! At first I thought that I’d just randomly gotten an unusually large amount of packages today, but then I remembered that I didn’t actually check the box yesterday since I was too excited about my Butiki order (the mailwoman left it outside the box). So I had several things waiting for me today!
Swap from Thomas Edward aka Tommy the Toad – a couple of cool instant milk tea mixes, plain and ginseng. He also sent a sample of 2003 Reserve Four Season Oolong from Butiki. Thank you very much, sir!
Swap from Stephanie – Brioche (American Tea Room), Magicienne (Nina’s), Hong Yun (Butiki), Spring Keemun (A&D), Mi Lan Xiang Phoenix Mountain Dancong (Verdant), Laoshan Black (Verdant). Thanks so much for all these premium teas! She also included a few extra TeaVivre samples! :)
My tin of Fauchon’s Orange & Sweet Almond tea that Grrlhowdy bought locally and shipped to me. Thanks so much! :)
Mandala’s new ripe puerh sample pack! Wow it got here fast, thanks! And I’m very thankful for the lovely instructions since I have no experience with ripe puerh.
Free samples for review from Teasenz: Da Hong Pao, Yunnan Gold, Dan Cong Phoenix, Jin Jun Mei, and Puerh Mini Tuo Cha. Here’s the link if you haven’t asked them for samples:
Finally, some samples from TeaVivre! Angel sent me a message a while back asking if I would like to sample some white and sheng puerh teas, and of course I said yes! She even substituted a tea for me. The teas: Fuding Shou Mei White Tea Cake 2013, Fengqing Ancient Tree Raw Puerh Cake 2014, Fengqing Wild Tree Yeshang Raw Puerh Tea Cake 2013, Organic White Peony, and Organic Silver Needle (this one was supposed to be Chamomile Rose Silver Needle but she nicely substituted for me). Thanks so much as always to Angel and Mary! :)
You have enough tea that you could sleep on a mattress stuffed with your tea. So awesome! I look forward to all your tasting notes :)
mj, definitely need to go on hiatus at this point… Problem is, most of the tea I get is either free or swap! XD
Cameron, how can you turn down free tea? I know I can’t!
Blodeuyn, I think WP’s golden snail would make an excellent tea pillow :) (Yes, I’ve thought about it lol)
mj I’m seriously thinking about it. I use to leave a small bowl of lavender tea on my nightstand because the smell was so relaxing. I’m scared to use snaily yums though, as I might eat my pillow in my sleep. D:
My cupboard is at 157 after adding all of this… X.X
And I still have my TeaVivre order coming…
I’m glad your teas arrived today, hope you enjoy them.
I got mines today too, sipping on the Dong Quai Red Date right now :)
I forgot to mention that I also got a variety box of Numi’s savory teas. My boyfriend was making an Amazon order a couple of days ago so I added it! :D
I got my Tea Swap from Cameron B. today, Yay!
Some Dong Quai & Red Date instant packets and a taste of Mandala’s
Special Dark :)
I’m sipping the Dong Quai now.
Got the Butiki TTB back once again due to the last 3 participants being MIA. I was amused that it was still in the same box I had originally sent it out in. Albet a bit more crushed, but considering how much it travelled, not too surprising. Lol.
I think I for got to enter this yesterday (Bad Carol) but I got a really lovely swap from NayLynn. All sort of my favorite yummy teas!
It’s here! It’s here! It’s here!!!! Eeeeeee!!!!
Perfecto! I did not enjoy the shou, but the gaiwan was excellent. It has a really beautiful shine that’s hard to capture in pics.
I am trying to decide what else I can make that I will enjoy more :p
I got a super sweet swap from Cameron B today! I can’t wait to try everyone’s favorite Snaily Yums, hehehe ;)
I got an amazing swap package from Stephanie. Wow. I’m overwhelmed with the awesomeness in this envelope.
Wheeeee!!! I have so much tea!!!! Got my TeaVivre order from the sale. Add that to the Butiki order that arrived earlier this week and I’m up to my eyeballs in black tea! So excited! I of course had to open them all and inhale deeply! ;)
I got my package from Verdant’s Blends monthly club. I won’t post the teas here in case other people want to be surprised when they get theirs, but I will say that none of these are what I expected when I heard it was showcasing vanilla…
And none of them have vanilla in the name either. :P
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